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Alliance Page 4

  “Don’t really know; but, do you have regrets?” Samantha raised herself off his chest.

  “No, do you?” Morgan scooted up in bed. He took his hand and brushed her hair off her shoulders.

  “No, no regrets. But I am wondering what now.” Samantha sat up in bed holding the sheet close over her. “I mean, did this mean anything or is it just sex? Do you want to try being together?”

  “Whoa, baby, don’t over think things. Yes this meant a lot to me and yes I want to see you again and yes to anything else you want. He pulled her on top of him. “Let’s talk about it tomorrow.” He pulled the sheet away from her and laid her down on the bed. Kissing her, he whispered her name over and over. “No regrets, Samantha.”

  Chapter 8

  Samantha awoke early the next morning. Samantha couldn’t believe what had happened. She was still doubtful about him, but she tried to push all those thoughts away and enjoy what time was left to just be with Morgan. She turned over in the bed and reached for him.

  He was gone.

  Figures, she thought.

  She got up and went into the bathroom and then walked downstairs. Morgan was nowhere to be found.

  He had left without saying goodbye.

  She sighed. Not a good sign.

  She went back upstairs and turned on the shower. She couldn’t believe it meant so little to him that he just left like that.

  She remembered the look in his eyes. His eyes hadn’t said that it was meaningless.

  She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing her towel, she buried her face and took a deep breath. As she looked up, she noticed that in the mirror there was a message in the steam. “No regrets, Sam. I love you.”

  She started crying. It might be premature to use the “L” word, but she didn’t care.

  She had been right after all. Morgan was worth the trouble.

  She dropped the towel and walked back into the bedroom. She had an hour to get ready and get to work.

  “Don’t get dressed on my account.” The familiar voice came from the door. Samantha turned to find Morgan standing there, holding coffee and a rose. He walked to her and gently kissed her lips.

  “I thought you had left.” Samantha said, pouting.

  “Now, how could I leave you? Especially like this. Besides you have nothing in this house. You really need to go to the grocery store.” Morgan chuckled and leaned in to kiss her neck.

  “If you start that we will never get to work.” Samantha smiled and took the coffee from him.

  “So I happen to be in good with the boss. I think we can be late.” Morgan slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

  “Now now. We have to go to work. I am the boss, remember?” Samantha smiled and sat the coffee cup on the dresser. Samantha started dressing and Morgan sat down on the bed.

  Samantha smiled. “So, what, you’re going to watch me get dressed?”

  “It’s my second favorite thing to do. My first favorite is to watch you get undressed.”

  Samantha put her hands on her hip and gave him a “Puh-lease” kind of look.

  “Okay, I need to go change anyway. I’ll see you at work.” Morgan smiled, stood, kissed her cheek and walked out of the room.

  Chapter 9

  JJ was almost bursting. She couldn’t wait for Samantha to get in. The entire FBI building was buzzing. The Deputy Director and his assistant were here along with another man. The rumor mill was working overtime. The entire crowd had gone into Jessica’s office. They had been there for at least an hour.

  She calmed herself and tried to get everything ready for the next case. She had received several phone calls from the police in Forrest Ranch, California. They had found three bodies. One of them had been identified, but they couldn’t ID the other two. It was apparent it was the same killer.

  JJ had decided this was the next case. There were so many similarities that were hard to ignore. The use of duct tape, burns, cuts with the same object, and the plastic the bodies were wrapped in. And all of the heads were turned to one side. They were buried only two feet down.

  It was a lucky break that the last body found had been partially dug up by animals, because it probably wouldn’t have been found. Cadaver dogs had been able to find the other two nearby.

  JJ had told the sheriff to keep everyone out and put 24 hour guards around the perimeter. She told the sheriff that the team would be there by that afternoon. She made all the copies and put the files together for everyone.

  She glanced at the clock. She couldn’t believe Samantha was still not in. And where was Morgan?

  Her eyes widened and she smiled to herself. Maybe it was a long night for them. She chuckled to herself.

  She heard a quiet voice behind her. It was drawing closer.

  Finally, there was Sam.

  “Where have you been? I have been dying to tell you.” JJ was bursting with excitement.

  “Calm down, JJ, I already know,” Samantha said. “The deputy director is here. I’ve been here for a while.”

  JJ stopped in her tracks. “You know I hate you, right? You always do that to me.”

  Samantha smiled as she entered her office. “Good. Now we’re even. That’s what you get for tricking me.” She took off her jacket and hung it up behind her desk. “Okay, what is on for today? You have everything ready?”

  “Yes, of course I have everything ready. We’re going to Forrest Ranch. The sheriff there believes he has a serial on his hands and I think he may be right. So is there something you want to tell me?”

  “No, nothing to report. Why do we think it’s a serial?” Samantha spoke like someone of authority.

  “Well, same MO, same victimology, bodies found in close proximity.” JJ sat on the edge of Sam’s desk, flipping through the main file. “Uh, same method of torture and all the bodies were wrapped in the same type of plastic. Also, there are several missing persons that match. I think that’s all.”

  Sam raised her eyebrows. “Those are good reasons.”

  “Excuse me, Sam, uh Agent Thomas.”

  They both turned towards the door to find Jess standing there, fiddling with her hands. “I need you in my office immediately. Please and put on your jacket.”

  Samantha said looking t JJ. “That is either very good or very bad.”

  JJ shook her head. “She’s doing that thing with her hands again. Not good.”

  Sam sighed. “Get everyone up to speed on Forrest Ranch and I will be there in a few.” She grabbed her jacket and started out the door.

  “I sure hope so. I mean, of course I’ll see you in a few.” JJ mocked.

  “Keep it up, Bonehead. You’re next.” Samantha laughed and walked towards Jess’ office.

  Samantha never had much use for formality. She walked into Jess’ office without knocking.

  “Okay, Jess, what is the dog and pony--”

  Samantha looked up to find the director and several other people in her room.

  “My apologies, Gentlemen.” Samantha grabbed the door handle again. “I did not mean to walk in on your meeting. I thought Jess, Agent Wilson, wanted to see me.” She opened the door and started to leave.

  “Agent Thomas, shut the door please and take a seat.” The director moved over to a small conference table in the middle of the room. The other people joined him at the table, saying nothing.

  “Yes, sir.” Samantha walked to the table and sat down across from the director.

  “Agent Thomas, I will get right to the point. The president has authorized me to create another position within the FBI. We’re restructuring to include more special units. These units will be more targeted and ready to respond no matter where we’re needed or in what capacity. We need the teams to be strategically located throughout the U.S. with ready access to overseas situations when and if they arise. This position will be in charge of eight teams including yours. These teams will be responsible for Behavioral Analysis Unit, Cyberterrorism, and Rapid Response. Your te
am will travel overseas at your discretion to help with various cases. These teams will answer to one person. This person is a second Deputy Director and this person is you.”

  “What, me sir? I am sure there are plenty of people more qualified. And I have only been with this unit for eight years.” Samantha was always stunned by how fast change could happen in the FBI. But she wasn’t sure she wanted to leave Quantico.

  “Agent Thomas, the president picked you himself, with the recommendation of numerous people. You have military experience, great marksmanship, you made team leader inside six months. Your case close rate is 98%. Besides, you have been recommended by your Executive Director and me. You can do this job. You start today. You have total discretion on who you put on your team. I need your replacement by the end of day today and your team must be placed by the end of this week. I need all eight new teams picked and placed in six months.”

  “Six months, Sir? No one’s ever done that, sir. It’s impossible.” Samantha stood up and walked away from the table.

  “Yes, almost impossible, but not for you. You love a challenge and I know up can achieve it.”

  “Where are these teams to be set?” She turned to face the table again.

  “You have a personal assistant that will give you all the specifics. Agent Kirkland will assist you in any way you need. I expect daily updates on your progress. I know this is a lot, but we only have a short time. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how important this position is, Agent Thomas.”

  Deputy Director Anderson picked the ID and badge from the table and handed them to Samantha. “Your new credentials and badge.”

  “Thank you, sir. One more question: how many people are on each team and do they all have to be currently FBI and…”

  “That is more than one question. Take a few minutes to think it through. All that is your decision, Deputy Director Thomas.”

  Samantha took a deep breath and walked back to the table.

  Deputy Anderson continued. “Now, you will answer directly to the Director and the President. I will help you as long as you need. We are a team from now on. Kirkland can reach me at any time. Until your team is set, I will be the liaison for you. I took the liberty of bringing two agents that will be able to take immediate positions here or on your team. This is Agent Dakota Stevens and Agent Anna Ford.”

  Samantha nodded at the two agents.

  They returned the greeting.

  Deputy Anderson continued. “Also, there are 200 files of current FBI personnel that are qualified for these positions. Remember, your deadline for your team is end of this week. Oh, one more thing, Deputy Director. The director requested one team to be located in New York.” Deputy Anderson reached out and shook Samantha’s hand. “Good Day, Deputy Director Thomas.”

  Anderson smiled and left the room with his assistant.

  Samantha stood still for several seconds, trying to take in everything that had just happened.

  Kirkland stood. “Ma’am, we should probably get going. There are several items we need to cover by the end of day. Are you sending the team out today? And if so, are we joining them? May I suggest we send them and continue here for a few days?”

  “No, we will accompany the team as will Stevens and Ford.” Samantha turned and walked into the hall. The others followed. Samantha walked down the hall to her office. “Stevens, Ford make yourself at home with the rest of the team. Kirkland come inside and shut the door. Oh, and guys, say nothing to the team. I will address them myself.”

  Samantha continued into her office and walked behind her desk. She sat down hard and put her hands over her face. Just take a minute she thought. “Well, I said I wanted a change, but schnikes.”

  Kirkland cleared his throat. “Excuse me, ma’am, can we get started now?” Kirkland was nothing if not consistent.

  “Absolutely. First thing, Kirkland, you can call me Samantha, Agent Thomas or Thomas, but please not ‘ma’am.’ Second, do you have your go bag here?”

  Kirkland was flipping through the pages in his hands.”I’m sorry, ma’am. How about Madam Director? Also, I need your old credentials. You need to sign three forms. And yes, I have my go bag ready.”

  Samantha reached in her jacket and pulled out her old credentials. “Good, now let’s get the team in the air and we will work as we go.”

  They both walked down the hall to where the team was waiting.

  She walked in and everyone turned around. She could see from the looks on her team’s faces that they knew something was up and were waiting for the hammer to drop.

  “Everyone, this is Agent Kirkland. I am sure you have introduced yourselves to Stevens and Ford. They will be joining us. Is everyone ready to go and do we have all the information?” Samantha was vague and careful not to look at anyone directly.

  There were no comments.

  “Great, let’s go. Everyone on the plane, please. JJ, I need five,” she said, “Tell the pilot to wait.” She walked away from the group and headed to Jess’ office.

  “Sure, Sam.” JJ’s eyes widened, and she mouthed the words, “What is happening?”

  JJ’s one fault. She was not good at change, especially when she was not in control of it.

  Sam mouthed one word in response. “Later.”

  Samantha walked into Jess’ office. She was sitting at her desk, absorbed in paperwork.

  Samantha didn’t knock. “Did you know? Did you know before today I mean?”

  “Yes, this started a couple of months ago and I recommended you then. The last week it became apparent you were going to get the job, but you know I couldn’t tell you.” Jess barely looked up.

  “Jess, why didn’t you put in for the job? You would be better at this than me. You know I don’t do the diplomat thing. Besides, you have experience in upper management and-”

  “Sam, I did bid for the job and was turned down. I have no military experience. The President and the Director as well as the Deputy Director asked for you. Be happy. I am. Now, Madam Director, do I keep this job or will I be moved?” Jess smiled at Sam.

  “Jess, I owe you a lot. You have put up with me and you can do whatever you want. I want you to at least keep the position you have unless I can move you up. But if you want to move to another state or whatever you want, it’s yours.” Samantha was teary-eyed. Not a great look for a new Deputy Director of the FBI, but she didn’t care.

  “Look. There’s more I haven’t told you. I’m getting a divorce. Jack has left me and Gracie. I would like to move to New York if you decide to put a team there.” Jess stood up and walked around the desk. “He said he was just tired of being married. Truth is, he’s tired of me and Grace. He signed custody over to me last week. He wants the house but said he wouldn’t fight for it. It’s like we never existed.”

  “You know that’s not true,” Sam said.

  Jess continued. “So I moved to a hotel this weekend. Grace thinks we are on vacation. Sam, I have family in New York, my sister and a cousin. They both said they would help. I’m sorry to lay this on you now. I know your head is still spinning. Jack’s giving me his part of the house at the end of the month. I will be able to buy a house with a yard for Grace. I would like to keep this position, but if you need me somewhere else.” Jess choked back tears.

  Samantha walked to her and put her arms around her. “Plan on working from New York in the same position. That’s where I need the first office. Why didn’t you tell me this was going on? I thought we were friends and you helped me when Joseph and I lost Cody. Besides, we could just knock him off. No one would know.”

  They both laughed.

  Jess walked back to the desk and pulled out some tissue. “Dang it, Sam, I am so embarrassed. I thought we had a great marriage. Turns out he’s been cheating for a while now. I had him followed. I almost went crazy when I got the report. I don’t know what to tell Grace or how to tell her.” Jess took a deep breath. “You don’t need this right now. You have enough.”

  “Why don’t y
ou take a few days off, and when I get back we can decide where in New York to put the new office and I can help you find a house with a yard and--”

  JJ walked in the room. “I’m sorry, but are you ready to go, Sam?”

  “Yes I’m coming, right behind you, JJ.” Sam turned and waved her hand at JJ to go away. She held up five fingers and mouthed five more minutes.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” JJ said.

  Chapter 10

  JJ shut the door and walked down the hall towards the plane. She climbed back in and went to the pilot. “She needs five more minutes.”

  JJ walked back and sat down beside Morgan.

  “Well, did you find out anything? Was she fired or transferred? And who are these people?

  Morgan was asking questions faster than she could answer. “I have no idea what is going on, but Jess was crying and Sam was mad.” JJ looked over her shoulder at the new members of the team. “Maybe I can find out something. Be right back.” JJ got up and walked towards the back of the plane. She took a seat beside Agent Stevens.

  “So how do you like your job so far?” JJ was cheery.

  “Well, if I knew what I was going to be doing, I think I would like it better. Deputy Director Thomas hasn’t told us which team we’ll be on out of the nine she will oversee. Is that enough information to satisfy your curiosity?” Dakota smiled at JJ. “I know your reputation, Agent Jarvis. So I give in, okay?”

  JJ looked at him hard. “I’m sorry if I bothered you, Agent Stevens. But let’s hope with that attitude you’re on another team.” JJ got up from her seat and walked back to Morgan.

  “Just who the heck does he think he is? Some kind of smart alec, that’s for sure.” JJ folded her arms in front of her. “I don’t need him to tell me anything. Sam will tell me everything. We’re best friends.”

  Morgan laughed. “If you could see yourself. Now tell me what he said to make you so mad.”

  JJ looked at him and scoffed. “He said he knew my reputation. As if. Oh yeah, and Samantha is the new Deputy Director and she has eight teams to start and nine to run and those two will be on this team or on her personal team. Yeah right, she’ll pick someone she doesn’t know.”