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Alliance Page 5

  “If she has a choice. They may have come with the job.” Morgan looked hard at JJ. “Besides, what if Sam wants us on the new team? I’m not sure I can live with that. And what if she doesn’t want us? I mean, she’ll want you, but … I don’t know.”

  JJ shrugged. “Don’t worry so much. We just gotta wait and see.”

  “Easy for you. She’ll ask, you know.”

  “You’ll just have to decide what you’re going to do.”

  Chapter 11

  Samantha stood at the door of Jess’ office. “Take a few days, Jess, and we’ll figure this out when I get back.”

  “Okay Sam, and thanks.” Jess took her purse from her desk and turned off her computer. “Call me when you get back.” Jess walked out and closed the door.

  Samantha stood in the office by herself for a few minutes. Had she been so out of touch she didn’t notice Jess was in trouble? How was she going to make this work? What about Morgan? She didn’t even know whether they were together or not. And now the one thing that she could count on – her job – was up in the air again.

  She sighed and walked out of the office. Too many things to digest at once.

  She reached the plane. Taking one more deep breath, she climbed onboard.

  “We can take off now.” Samantha walked to the back of the plane. She found Kirkland and across the aisle from him in the middle seat. She stared at the back of the seat in front of her, saying nothing.

  JJ got up from her seat and sat beside Samantha. The plane started down the runway. “Do you want to talk about it now or later, Deputy Director Thomas?” JJ smiled at the look on Samantha’s face.

  “You beat all I ever saw, you know that?” Samantha laughed. “We can discuss my life later. I need to ask you a question.”

  “Yes, I want to be on the number one team, Madam Director.” JJ took out the file on the bodies found in Forrest Ranch Ca. and handed it to Sam. “So do I still call you Sam or what?” JJ tried hard to have no expression.

  “Are you sure, JJ? I don’t know what will happen or where we will be, and my team will probably be overseas. I don’t know a lot about it yet. It may suck. I may suck.”

  “Hey, it’s all good. You can do this. Besides, it sounds like fun. And a challenge.” JJ put her hand on Samantha’s arm. “Take a deep breath and let’s go.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. It’s just really fast. And you call me Deputy Director in the field. Just don’t expect me to answer.” They both smiled and JJ got up from the seat.

  “Ask Morgan to walk back here, okay?”

  Kirkland turned to Samantha. “Madam Director, do you have your replacement yet and have you decided on Ford and Stevens? Also, I need your signature.”

  Samantha would never understand the FBI. They give her a file with 200 profiles and then ask her five minutes later if she’s got everybody hired.

  “Hold on, Kirkland, I need a few more minutes. But you can assign Ford to the Quantico team.”

  Kirkland headed to the front of the plane to talk to Ford.

  Sam saw Morgan squeeze past Kirkland. She smiled.

  “Am I interrupting?” Morgan was smiling, too. “I believe you asked to see me, Deputy Director.”

  Samantha moved her legs so he could get through. “I see JJ has been working overtime.” Samantha’s face fell as she looked at Morgan and remembered the last 24 hours. All of that could be lost now. She wanted to throw herself into his arms and say, ‘Morgan, what are we going to do? I mean, is there a we?’

  But she didn’t. She was the Deputy Director. “I just learned about this 15 minutes ago. I don’t really have a choice about this change, Morgan, but you do. I’ve got to build eight teams, and one of them will stay here in Virginia. I need to know if you want to take over the Virginia team and stay here or if you want to move to another team or stay with me. I know this is fast, and I know I’m pushing, but I have to give an answer today.” Samantha was afraid of what he would say. In a quiet voice that was almost a whisper, she said, “I don’t want to lose you.”

  Morgan’s deep gaze penetrated her to her core.

  “Sam, I want us to work, but I need to tell you know something. I have a son. I just found out Saturday, and I have to take custody of him. He needs me, Sam.”

  Samantha’s stomach lurched.

  Morgan pulled out a small school picture.

  Samantha was riveted by the tiny version of Morgan she saw there. “He looks just like you.”

  Morgan continued. “That’s where I was the other day. I’d like to stay in Virginia for now, if that’s okay. But I want us to work, too. I don’t want to lose you either. And I will do whatever you want me to do.” Morgan leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  Samantha glanced over her shoulder to see if anyone had seen the kiss. Relieved, she saw that no one was looking. She turned back to Morgan. “That’s not fair, Morgan. You need to decide.” Samantha looked away and shook her head in wonder. “Dang it, this has been one full day, and it’s not even time for lunch yet.” She touched his hand, drawing her finger over his knuckles. “How old is your son? What’s his name?”

  Morgan shook his head. “Let’s talk about it later.”

  She realized the future was more uncertain than ever. And she didn’t like it. She had a lot less stomach for uncertainty than she did before Cody died. At moments like this, she longed for a normal job with a huge house on a tiny lot in Suburbia.

  She put her hand on her chest. “I don’t know if I can do this, Morgan. I don’t know if I want this. I can’t think.” She paused. “What about us? If there is an ‘us.’”

  Morgan smiled. “You got this, Sam.”

  “I don’t want to lose you before I even get to be with you. But your son? Your son has to be your top priority.”

  Morgan leaned back in his seat, but didn’t take his eyes off of her.

  Samantha took a deep breath. He was right. She could do this. She was trained for this. “Okay, Morgan, you take the team leader position. I assigned Ford to replace JJ. After this case, the team is all yours.” Samantha removed her jacket.

  Thanks, Sam. We’ll talk this evening, okay?” Morgan got up and walked back to the front of the plane.

  Samantha watched him go, feeling like her life was slipping away from her.

  Kirkland moved into the seat next to her. “Ma’am, I really have to have your signature. We need to go over the emails and start going over the employee files.”

  Samantha moved over to the window seat, letting Kirkland put his laptop between them. She took the computer from him and started reading the emails. The first one was an embedded form for her to read and sign.

  As she read, she told Kirkland, “You can put Morgan as team leader of this team and assign Stevens to the Virginia team as well.”

  Sam tried to hide her disappointment. A son. How could he have a son he didn’t know about?

  She was not getting anything from what she was reading. “Kirkland, I’ll have to read this later. Is there something else we can accomplish?” She handed the computer to Kirkland.

  “Well, ma’am, actually you have already signed the form you’re looking at, but we need a new copy for your new position. So if you could just sign there at the bottom we can move on.” Kirkland handed the laptop back to Samantha. She took the stylus and signed the form.

  She gave him a wan smile. “I hope I’m not agreeing to give my pay check away.”

  Kirkland didn’t seem to hear her. “Great, now as you can see this is a map. You need to decide where the teams will be located. There has to be eight locations and at least ten team members on each team. I have made a list of the suggested expertise for the teams. Two locations are placed so you only have to pick six more.”

  Samantha pulled out the case file JJ had given her.

  Kirkland was still talking.

  She opened the file. She was looking at pictures of the bodies found by the local sheriff.

  “Yes….right….uh huh….yes…okay,” s
he said to Kirkland.

  Kirkland’s voice faded into the background.

  JJ was right. There were a lot of similarities here. Heads all turned to the left. Fingers missing and large head wounds. Appeared to be killed in the same manner. All were tortured, tied, gagged and beaten with a similar object. Small wounds all over their torso. But no patterns in the wounds.

  This is what she knew.

  She also knew she could find him and make him pay for this. But what if her new position didn’t include investigative work?

  “I am not a suit. I cannot sit behind a desk.”

  Kirkland looked over at her.

  She saw him turn from the corner of her eye. She hadn’t realized she had said that out loud.

  “Ma’am, you will not get bored with this job. You can do pretty much what you want. Take the cases you want and travel. There are some administrative duties, but just take it in stride. Just focus on one task at a time until you get your bearings.”

  Kirkland’s expression was kind and fatherly. He was exactly what she needed to get through this transition.

  “Thank you, Kirkland.” Samantha sat back in the seat and became absorbed in reading the file.

  Kirkland shuffled to the other side of the aisle.

  Chapter 12

  The killer had been dubbed “The Handyman” by the press and the sheriff. They’d already decided the deaths were connected. Her team would double check their investigation, but she suspected their conclusion was correct. This was an important case, but Sam had to be smart about it. Could she realistically dedicate enough attention to it, given her new role? Particularly when she was just forming her new teams.

  With that thought, she made the decision to give Morgan take the lead. The proper time and attention would be dedicated to the case. And she could see if Morgan was ready like she thought he was.

  That also made her next course of action clear.

  It was time to address the troops.

  She got up from her seat and walked to where the rest of the team was sitting. “Okay, listen up everyone. As some of you know I have a new title. I am now Deputy Director. There will be a few changes. First, we have two additions. Agent Ford, who specializes in profiling and has a doctorate in psychology, and Agent Stevens who is an MD and a PhD. in forensics. Lastly, I will be leaving this team after this case. Agent Morgan will be assuming my duties immediately and I will be available to oversee and advise. JJ will also be leaving after this case. Now I expect everything to run as smooth as always. Do what you were trained to do and have done so well under my leadership. And give Morgan the same quality and respect for his leadership. Are there any questions?” Samantha looked at the rest of the team.

  No one said anything.

  “Good, let’s get started on this case. Morgan, it is all yours. JJ, will you come with me please.” Samantha walked away from the team and from Morgan without looking at them. She was sad and excited at the same time.

  JJ followed without saying a word. They both walked to the back and sat.

  “You and Morgan okay, Sam? JJ whispered.

  “No, JJ, we’re not. I think Morgan and I just broke up before we ever got started, and I still don’t know where to go from here. Are you sure you want to take this ride? It might not end well for either of us.” Samantha looked at JJ with no expression.

  “Don’t worry, Sam. I have enough faith for both of us. Now, who do we want to play with us? Do you have to pick only FBI?” JJ was looking at the stack of files Kirkland had brought of profiles.

  “No, I can pick whoever I want for team one.” Sam’s phone rang. “Hold on a minute, JJ.” She answered. “Hello? Hey, Tristan. What are you doing? What? I can’t hear you. Are you crying? Daniel what? Adam, oh God, are they dead? Where are they? Okay, I’ll be there in an hour. I am already in the air.” Samantha got up and ran to the pilot. “I need you to change course immediately. You have to take me to Chicago O’Hare, NOW.”

  “Calling the tower to change flight plans now, Ma’am.”

  Morgan grabbed Sam by the arms. “Sam, you are white as a ghost. Come sit down.” Morgan helped her to the first seats.

  Samantha looked toward the back of the plane to find the entire team looking at her. “I’m fine, please. Kirkland, get us a car at the airport. My brother and his two-year-old son have been gunned down in their home. And somehow, this kind of thing is a whole lot easier when it isn’t your loved ones.”

  “That’s the truth,” Stevens said.

  Samantha blinked back tears while her brain fell back to what she does best. How could this happen? He lived in a gated community. But if it was Amanda. Samantha threw her head back against the seat. ‘That crazy –”

  Kirkland leaned over the back of her seat. “Madam Director, the car is waiting for us. We will be there in thirty minutes. I have notified the Director and Deputy Director Anderson. They are at your disposal and will send any FBI units at your request.” Kirkland glanced at Stevens. “Might I also suggest you allow Agent Stevens to come with us. He can help with the medical questions your family has.”

  “Fine, Kirkland. Reassign him to Team One. But remember, I am an MD as well and I don’t like doctors.”

  Morgan leaned toward her. “I’m sure they’ll be okay. Did you find out anything from your sister?”

  “No, all I could understand was they were shot in their home and both were still in surgery. I think.” Samantha felt numb. “My whole world has gone crazy, Morgan. Usually it’s somebody else’s world, and I get to come in and fix everything. Not this time. I wanted some time with you, to find out if there could be an ‘us’ that would be good for both of us. But now…all of this…and my brother… Adam…I don’t know.”

  “Don’t say that, Sam. I just need a little time to work this out with my son. I want an ‘us,’ too.”

  “I don’t know, Morgan.”

  “Hey, we can work this out. I’ll see you all the time. Just give me a little time, okay? I’ll come to Chicago in a couple of days after this case, and before if you need me.”

  “I don’t know. Life just turned on a dime. And I think it was my last one.”

  Morgan reached up and put his hand on her cheek.

  Samantha leaned into his hand.

  “Don’t worry, baby, we will work it out. Everything will be okay.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  Morgan smiled. “I just know.” He kissed his own index finger, placed his finger in her hand, and closed it. “Hold onto this until I land in Chicago.” He winked, stood, and walked away.

  Samantha turned her head toward the window. The world looked small and insignificant beneath her. Yet she knew that in every tiny building she saw there was pain and joy and heartache and love.

  She had to pull herself out of this. Her family would need her to be strong and confident. Even with all their overachievements, when push came to shove they relied on her to lead the way.

  She knew Joe would be the detective running the case. And CSU, did they get a good look at the scene? She hoped it was pristine and undisturbed. Local police were competent but they weren’t always careful about preserving the scene for other investigators.

  Procedures, strategies, and training kicked in, and Samantha spent the better part of an hour working through her plan of action.

  Kirkland cleared his throat.

  Samantha glanced up.

  “Madam Director, we are landing now.” Kirkland took his seat beside her. “I confirmed the car. I also told the pilot there were four agents getting off and the rest of the team was to leave immediately for California. Is that still correct?”

  “Yes, and thank you, Kirkland.” Samantha took her jacket from the back of the seat and put it on. She ran her hands through her hair and straightened her clothes. “I need you to make sure we keep up to date on the California case. This is the first case Morgan will run by himself and the team has new members. We cannot let the new team down by failing to give them the supp
ort they need. Most important of all, we can’t let families of the deceased down. And this guy will kill again, guaranteed. Unless we catch him.”

  Out of the window, Samantha could see the tree line nearing. Kirkland saw it, too, and sat next to her.

  There was a slight jolt as the plane landed. Not the smoothest landing ever, she thought. But Chicago landings almost never were. Power lines, trees, buildings, wind, and the big lake to the north made that almost impossible.

  The pilot announced they had landed and everyone should remain in their seats until they stopped at the hangar.

  Everyone ignored him. Kirkland gathered the briefcases. Samantha took her purse and bag from the overhead compartment. By the time all of the rustling and adjusting was completed, the four agents departing the plane were waiting at the front of the plane.

  Samantha stood behind the others. She looked back to see Morgan one last time.

  He took her by the hand. “Talk to you later, okay?” He smiled with bravado and confidence. But his eyes betrayed him. He looked just as confused and uncertain as Samantha.

  She winked at him. “Take care of yourself, Big Shot.”

  Chapter 13

  Samantha joined the others in the car.

  Kirkland spoke. “Mercy Hospital, please.”

  The ride was quiet. It was always a nostalgic ride for Samantha. The dirty gray streets and the storefronts with aging exteriors and decades-old signage were gritty, but they were home. But today’s nostalgia was broken by the pain of their destination.

  “Everything will be fine.” JJ smiled the best she could.

  Sam smiled in return. “Who you trying to convince. Me or you?”

  JJ didn’t respond. They both knew there were no guarantees. The one thing every agent knew, for sure, was that they were not promised today or tomorrow.

  The car arrived at the hospital. Samantha jumped out and ran inside. There were no familiar faces but many familiar smells. Antiseptic wash, rubber shoes, and the faint taint of blood.