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Alliance Page 3

  Ben saw at least 10 police cars at the entrance of the housing development. He expected that. He slowed down to wait for them to move out of his way.

  An officer walked over to the side of the car.

  Ben rolled down the window.

  “Excuse me sir, I have been ordered to detain, Ms. Anderson. I need to take her to into custody.”

  Another officer stepped to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. “Please step out of the car, ma’am.” Opening the door, he reached for Clare’s arm helping her out.

  Ben stepped out of the car as well. “But I’m taking her to the police station. Our daughter is there. She can answer anything then.”

  “I’m sorry sir, I have my orders. Please get back in your car, or I will have to detain you as well.”

  “What, WHAT? I am under arrest? I just came in right before the police got there.”

  “Shut up, Clare, just go with them and keep your mouth shut for once. Wait on Harry. Don’t talk to anyone.” Ben climbed back in the car.

  “Ma’am, please put your hands behind your back. We’re taking you into custody for your involvement in the shooting of DA Daniel Thomas and his son Adam Thomas.” The officer cuffed her as he took her to the patrol car. The second officer radioed that Ms. Anderson had been detained.

  Chapter 6

  Samantha woke from her nap to the door bell ringing. She got out of bed and yelled downstairs. “Come in.” She knew it was JJ.

  The door opened and JJ made her entrance. Laughing, she approached Samantha. She was smiling with her hands up. “Well, did we have a good morning?”

  Samantha gave her the look.

  JJ looked sorry.

  Samantha knew she wasn’t.

  “You’re not mad, right?”

  “Well, I don’t like you telling my few hiding places.” She feigned irritation but then laughed. She threw a pillow from the couch at her.

  “Sorry, but I really did not think you would mind if I told Morgan. Besides, it’s no secret you wanted him, too.” JJ picked up the pillow from the floor and carried it back to the couch where she plopped down. She looked up slyly at Samantha and continued. “I’ve seen you staring at each other and all the flirting.”

  Samantha headed to the fridge. “This is not high school, JJ. This is the freaking FBI. I can’t allow anything to happen between us. We could both lose our careers. You know that.” Samantha returned with two bottles of beer.

  “Well, if you really believe that, why did you agree to go out with him tonight?” JJ took the bottle from Samantha and smiled.

  Samantha stood there, staring in disbelief. “How did you know that?”

  “I knew it!” JJ yelped. “He did ask you out.”

  Samantha threw another pillow.”That was sneaky, JJ.”

  JJ threw up her hands to block the pillow. “Look, I’m just good. Besides, you would’ve told me anyway.”

  “Probably, but you should have given me a chance.” Samantha looked hard at JJ, trying not to smile.

  She knew JJ wouldn’t be fooled. They couldn’t be mad at each other. They were all the family they had nearby.

  “Okay, Okay, I’m sorry. Can we just get to the good stuff?” JJ got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. She opened the fridge. “Do you have any food here at all?”

  “Now, you already know the answer to that. I thought we were ordering pizza anyway.” Samantha got up and went into the kitchen. “You know our usual routine. Crap, the pizza place would go broke if we changed our usual Saturday afternoon.”

  JJ closed the fridge. “I’m tired of the usual. Let’s do something different. I know. Let’s go grab something and go to the park. Besides, if we pig out all day, you won’t be able to fit into that dress you bought.”

  Samantha smiled. “What the heck? Did you follow me or something?” Samantha threw up her hands and walked back to the living room.

  “No, but I know every stitch of clothes you own, and that’s new,” she said matter-of-factly, pointing at Sam. “So can I see it or what?”

  Without waiting for an answer, JJ turned to go upstairs.

  Samantha followed, excited again about her purchases.

  She pulled the dress from the clothes bag and modeled it by holding it in front of her.

  JJ grinned. “Now that is an eye catcher. What kind of fabric is that?”

  “I don’t know, but I love it. And wait till you see the shoes.” Samantha grabbed the box that held the black satin shoes.

  “Oh, they’re so gorgeous.” JJ sighed. “I wanna have a place to wear shoes like that.”

  “Maybe I should make sure I can actually walk in these things. I haven’t been in heels in a while.” She tried them on and walked around the bedroom.

  JJ started to giggle. “You might want to keep your feet a little closer together when you walk. You’re about as graceful as a linebacker in a tutu.”

  Sam giggled, too. She collapsed onto the bed next to JJ. She tried to take the shoe off, but the strap buckle was stuck. She yanked on the end of the shoe over and over without success.

  JJ rolled on the bed in tears of laughter.

  Sam was laughing, too, which made it even more difficult. In a last ditch effort to remove the shoe, she pulled her foot up above her head, tugging as hard as she could. With one last mighty tug and a Karate ‘Ay-yah!” the shoe was free. The spring action of the shoe disengaging from her foot sent her leg flying over the bed and her head crashing against the bed frame.


  JJ was having trouble breathing, she was laughing so hard.

  Sam started to belly laugh, too, despite the pain in the back of her head.

  JJ fell off the bed.

  “Are you okay?”

  JJ said nothing, but lifted her head over the edge of the bed. Tears were streaming down her face.

  Sam thought dimly that maybe the beer was too much for them on an empty stomach.

  When they were both too exhausted to laugh anymore, they paused to catch their breath.

  JJ spoke first. “That was the funniest thing I ever saw.”

  They looked at each other and almost simultaneous said, “I’m hungry.” They sprung up from the side of the bed and walked back downstairs.

  “Okay, so are we ordering pizza or what? The film fest is starting.” Samantha stated, holding the remote.

  JJ grabbed the phone. “Sure, why change a good thing?”

  “Okay, but you’re buying.” Samantha spouted.

  “Me? But it’s your turn.” JJ called, holding the phone.

  “Maybe then you will think twice before you tell everything my secrets.” Samantha said, pouncing on the couch.

  JJ laughed and shook her head. “Fine, but you pay double next time.” JJ walked over to the couch and plopped down beside Samantha. “They’ll be here in 20 minutes. So what are we watching today?”

  “Well, what are you in the mood for? Action, romance, mystery?” Samantha flipped through the channels.

  “Definitely not romance. How about mystery.” JJ snuggled into the couch.

  “Okay, mystery it is. Here is Lifetime Mystery.” Samantha laid the remote down and scooted down in the couch.

  “So, did Morgan tell you where he was taking you?” JJ turned towards Samantha.

  Samantha turned her head and gave JJ the look again.

  JJ was smiling in that knowing way. It seemed that today a smile was permanently affixed to JJ’s face.

  Samantha snorted. “This is really exciting you. I’m glad you find my love life – or lack thereof - amusing. For your information, no, he didn’t tell me anything.”

  Samantha glanced down. “I hope I’m not messing up.”

  JJ punched Sam in the arm. “Oh stop. Look, you’re not agreeing to marry the guy. Just have a good time. Relax for a few hours. Don’t overthink it. This is not a case. It’s just dinner.” JJ looked at Samantha hard.

  “Yes, Mother.”

  The doorbell rang and t
he pizza was there. JJ got up and brought it back to the table. She went to the refrigerator and grabbed a couple more beers. The pizza was good and filling. They both got quiet and watched the movie. The afternoon was long and quiet. As the movie ended, they were having trouble keeping their eyes open. They fell asleep propped up on the couch.

  Samantha woke up startled. What time was it? She was trying to focus and find the clock that had been hanging in the same place for years. It was no surprise they fell asleep with the crazy hours they put in at work during the week. She fumbled for the clock. 5:30.

  Sam jumped up. “JJ, wake up! You have to go. I need to get ready. Morgan will be here in an hour.”

  JJ grumbled and stretched out on the couch.

  “No, no.” Samantha took one of the pillows and started hitting JJ until she sat up.

  “You have to wake up. I need to get ready,” Samantha yelled.

  As she ran up the stairs, JJ groaned. She got up and stretched.

  Sam could hear her stuffing the pizza boxes and bottles in the trash.

  “Oh yeah, lock up as you leave.”

  “Yeah, see you tomorrow, love ya.” JJ mumbled.

  The door shut and Sam heard the tumblers in the deadbolt click.

  “Okay, shower, hair, dress.” She ran to the shower and stepped inside.

  The water was invigorating. She almost did not want to get out. She jumped out and hurriedly dried off. Walking into the bedroom, she went to the dresser and pulled out her black stockings and her satin bra and panty set. She piled on the stockings slowly as not to rip them. Then the rest. She got dressed. When she slipped the dress on, she smiled. It was tight and fit really well.

  Back in the bathroom, she wiped the steam from the mirror and took her hair out of the towel. She fixed it and put on her makeup. She went to the jewelry box and took out her diamond bracelet, earrings, a bracelet and matching ring. Not too much, she thought. One last look in the mirror.

  Well, that is as good as it gets, she thought.

  She put on the black satin shoes and went downstairs. Not bad. 6:30 and ready in time to straighten up. She fluffed the pillows and walked around, making sure nothing was out of place.

  When all of that was done, she sat on the couch and fidgeted like it was her first date.

  She hated waiting.

  She turned on the TV and started flipping through the channels.

  The minutes ticked by. Glancing up at the clock again, Samantha saw that it was seven.

  No Morgan.

  Her impatience began to turn to irritation, but she pushed the feelings aside.

  Give him a few minutes, she thought.

  Deep down, she knew she had been stood up. Morgan was never late.

  At 7:15 she removed her shoes. At 7:30 she took off her jewelry and put her feet up on the couch. At 7:45 she pulled the throw over her. By 8:00 she knew Morgan was not coming.

  She turned the TV back to Lifetime Mystery and curled up on the couch. Sometime after that, she fell asleep.

  Chapter 7

  Samantha woke up at her usual time. 5:30 AM. She didn’t need an alarm clock. Missing sleep was a job requirement. She sat up on the couch. The TV was still on. She grabbed the remote and turned it off.

  Sam stretched a bit. She felt good. Relaxed.

  That was the most sleep she had gotten at one time in months.

  She looked down at the beautiful black dress and remembered that she had been stood up.

  Irritation replaced the good feeling, but she wasn’t going to let it ruin her day. Morgan was a womanizer, after all, so she shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up so high.

  Trying to shrug it off, she picked up her jewelry and walked upstairs. She traded her dress and stockings for a pair of old jeans, a t-shirt and tennis shoes. After everything was hung up, Samantha walked into the bathroom and grabbed her hairbrush. She brushed out her hair and pulled it up into a ponytail. Well, now what to do?, she thought. Sunday, and another day off.

  Maybe I can go into the office and catch up on paperwork. It will be quiet. In frustration, she dropped the brush and sighed.

  Sam, that’s pathetic, she thought. You have two full days off for the first time in months and you have nothing to do.

  The truth was she had no life outside of work. The job was all she had. JJ was her only real friend. For a while now, she’d been hoping there would be an opportunity to move back home. At least there she would have her family.

  She wasn’t going to dwell on this. She remembered her mother’s philosophy. When all else failed, her mother had said, be productive and clean the house.

  Hanging up the final dust rag, she realized that the day had gone by faster than she thought it would and she had accomplished quite a lot. Now she was getting hungry and still nothing in the house to eat. She went to the couch and plopped down. Grabbing the phonebook, she looked through the take-out places. Nothing really looked good. She flipped on the TV and sat back, trying to decide if she wanted to eat or not. She found a movie station that was playing movies from the 50’s and 60’s. She stopped there, putting the remote on the coffee table. Samantha took one last look at the take-out restaurants.

  Chinese, yes Chinese. She picked up the phone and placed her order. She settled in for a quiet night alone, again. There was no way she was calling Morgan or JJ. She didn’t want to hear excuses or please forgive me and can we try again. And she didn’t want to explain to JJ that she’d been stood up.

  She just wanted quiet.

  Two days off in a row, she thought. Boy, I’ll pay for that. The next case will be really bad.

  The doorbell rang and she got up, grabbed her purse and went to the door. She was expecting her food.

  It wasn’t her food. It was Morgan.

  They looked at each other for what seemed hours.

  Samantha slammed the door and walked back to the couch.

  Morgan knocked again and again.

  Samantha ignored him.

  “Sam, please let me in. I need to talk to you,” Morgan said.

  She heard the takeout driver pull into the driveway and walk to the door.

  “Hey man, I thought you would never get here,” Morgan said, reaching for his wallet. He paid the delivery man and knocked on the door again.

  Samantha rolled her eyes. Seriously, this was ridiculous. Now Morgan was holding her Chinese hostage.

  “Sam, your food is here.”

  Sam said nothing.

  “You can’t keep me out here all night,” Morgan yelled.

  “Wanna bet?” Samantha yelled back.

  “I’m not leaving. I will stand here all night. Your neighbors will call the cops pretty soon.”

  “We are the cops.”

  “Yeah, well, they’ll call the locals. Think of how embarrassing that would be.”

  Samantha turned up the TV. There was no way she was opening that door. He could stay there all night.

  It was quiet.

  Maybe he was gone, she thought. Her rumbling stomach told her to check. She went to the door to see if he left the food.

  Opening it, she looked up to find him still standing there. “Great,” she said with as much sarcasm as possible. “I need to invest in a peephole in this door.”

  “Sam, we need to talk.” Morgan was solemn.

  “Fine, but there is nothing to say.” She stepped aside and let him in. Samantha took the bag from his hands. “How much do I owe you?” She walked back to the table and got her purse.

  “Nothing, it is the least I can do. Sam, I’m really sorry. There is no excuse. The truth is, I don’t know what to say.” Morgan walked over to the couch and sat down beside Samantha. They sat there silent for a long time.

  Finally, Samantha looked at him. “You couldn’t even call? I mean nothing. No effort at all and now you don’t know what to say. That is really messed up, Morgan.”

  Samantha got and walked over to the door. “I think you should just go.”

  Morgan got up and walke
d to her. He did not say a word. He reached for the door and closed it. Samantha did not argue. He landed close to her and kissed her. She did not fight. Morgan took a step closer and put his arms around her. He began to kiss her more passionately.

  “Can we just--” he whispered to her.

  “Shhh, don’t talk.” Samantha turned, holding his hand and walking him up to the bedroom.

  She knew this wasn’t smart. Morgan had to know it, too.

  It seemed neither cared.

  Morgan pushed Samantha’s hair off her shoulder and gently kissed her neck. Samantha slipped her hands around his waist. Without talking, they began to undress each other.

  Morgan walked to the bed and threw back the covers.

  Hesitating, she turned to look at Morgan. “Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  “Maybe we should.” Morgan pulled her close and lifted her onto the bed.

  She laid there looking up at him. Morgan lay down beside her and began caressing her face. He kissed her slowly. He slipped his hand around her tiny waist and slid it down to her hips. He pushed his hand under her panties and grabbed her hard. Kissing her neck, he pulled them off.

  They spent the afternoon exploring each other, making love over and over. Not saying a word. Not thinking about tomorrow.

  As night fell, Samantha lay quietly on Morgan’s chest. She was thinking she had probably just made the biggest mistake of her life. She had wanted him for a long time but had fought the instinct. She didn’t want to risk both their careers.

  And now here she was.

  Morgan was quiet, stroking her hair.

  Samantha broke the silence. “What are you thinking about?”

  “You, only you.” Morgan whispered.

  Samantha’s investigative instincts told her he was holding something back. She decided to ignore the feeling.

  “Well, I hope it’s something good,” she said. She pulled herself upward and kissed his lips. “You sure there isn’t something you want to say?”

  “Like what?” Morgan put his arms around her waist.