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Alliance Page 9
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Page 9
“Well, hello to you too, Sam.” Joe was his normal cocky self.
“Stop the crap, Joe.” Samantha slammed the car door and revved the engine. “We have to get to that gun before Clare tells Ben where it is. Clare shot them. Amanda just told me.” Samantha raced toward Daniel’s house.
“You said this is a federal case and you are the Deputy Director. You don’t need me or a warrant.”
“That’s right. I forgot. I don’t need you, Joe. I guess I never did.” Samantha hung up and called JJ. “JJ, break time is over. Do you remember where my brother’s house is? I need you all there five minutes ago.”
“Sam, what’s wrong? Where are you?”
“I’ll see you there.”
Chapter 22
Samantha hung up and turned into Daniel’s housing development. The guard waved her through. Sam stopped in front of Daniel’s house and stared at the house through the windshield. She saw the deck along the side of the house, remembering so many summer and fall nights when she, Joe, Daniel, and Amanda would sit and talk and enjoy the coolness of the night.
She heard a car turn into the cul-de-sac. Getting out of the car, she waved to them to park in the driveway.
JJ, Cameo, Stevens and Kirkland approached.
JJ was the first to speak. “What is going on, Sam?”
“I went to see Amanda and Clare. Amanda said Clare shot Daniel and then Adam by accident. She said Clare hid the gun in the laundry room in the dryer vent or the loose panel somewhere in there. I have to find that gun. But I can’t even go inside the house. I want that gun found and the room secured until CSU gets here again. Don’t touch it. Wait for them. But find it.”
They walked into the house, breaking the crime scene tape and making their way with flashlights.
Samantha walked up to the front door. She pointed towards the laundry room. JJ saw her pointing and nodded. She found the light switch and turned it on. “Okay, the dryer is here.”
They began to search the room, carefully shifting things to look behind and beneath them.
“Found it!” Stevens pulled the loose board from the floor. The gun was covered in blood.
“Let’s back out of the room,” JJ said.
The three of them walked outside and waited with Sam for the CSU unit to arrive. An hour later, two CSU techs got out of the van and walked to the porch. Stevens led them to the gun and told them to dust the entire room and the loose board for fingerprints.
It was almost midnight when they finished.
JJ walked over to her. “Sam, if you don’t sleep and eat.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. but this couldn’t wait.” She held the back of her neck again. Her headache was worse.
JJ stifled a yawn. “Look, Stevens and I will stay here. Why don’t you let Kirkland take you to a motel or at least back to the hospital? I’m sure your mom needs relieving anyway.”
“Okay, I do have Karen’s car. Mom probably does want to go home.”
Chapter 23
Samantha and Kirkland drove in silence to the hospital. There was an all-night diner near the main entrance. Kirkland wouldn’t take no for an answer. He pulled in and went inside for a sandwich for Samantha. They arrived at the hospital to find Karen standing outside the ICU talking to Dr. Murphy. Sam dropped the remains of the sandwich in the nearest garbage can and ran towards them. “What’s wrong?”
Dr. Murphy looked worried. “It’s Adam. He’s had an aneurism. They can’t stop the bleeding. He’s just too weak.”
Karen was crying hard. “Samantha, I don’t understand. I thought he was okay. He was stable. Is he going to die? “She couldn’t be consoled.
Kirkland escorted her to the lounge.
“Dr. Murphy, what happened? What caused this? What about endovascular coiling? I read something about that. It can relieve the pressure and stop blood flow to the aneurism. Right, that would work. It is supposed to be easy and almost noninvasive. Fast, they said it was fast. So he wouldn’t be under for very long. And you don’t have to put him completely under sedation.”
“Slow down, Sam. We are hoping to stabilize Adam enough for surgery. It is not as easy of a surgery as you think. Remember, Samantha, he is very small and weak. There is no guarantee coiling will work. He’s only two. It’s a hard surgery for an adult. If it works, he would have to have numerous surgeries to replace this coil until he stops growing.” Dr. Murphy shook his head. “I had hoped we wouldn’t have to do any procedures. Sam, the bullets should have killed him. I don’t know how he’s alive right now.”
“What else can we do?”
“The operating room is on standby. If the medication works, we’ll be ready. I have called the best neurosurgeon in the country here. If anyone can save him, Samantha, it’s him.”
“Daniel, did he wake up yet?”
“Daniel isn’t awake yet. We have reduced the medicine. We are moving slowly to make sure he doesn’t stroke.” Dr. Murphy took hold of Samantha’s hands. “We are doing everything we can, Samantha. Pray. Tell everyone to pray.” Dr. Murphy squeezed her hand and walked away.
Samantha was motionless, staring at the closed door of the secured ICU area. This felt too familiar. She had stood in the same hall when Cody had died. He hadn’t been shot, but he was beaten by the kidnappers. Then he was thrown from a van in front of the same park he was taken from.
It was revenge against Joe. A gang thing or something. Her marriage to Joe never recovered. It was his fault it happened, gang or no gang. He had taken Cody to the park that day so she could sleep. He looked away to answer his cell and Cody was gone. The notes, the money, the FBI. Her medical degree meant nothing when they threw his tiny body out of that van in front of her.
She hated Joe for it. Now she hated Amanda and Clare. They deserved the same and worse. Just like the gang that took her baby.
That’s why she became an FBI agent. To find and kill them all. And she did.
Now it was Amanda’s turn. She turned away from the ICU. Determined, full of hate and vengeance, she walked to the doctor’s lounge. Karen had calmed down a little, but she was still breathing hard. She was like their mother. Small and weak, she could never take up for herself or anyone else. The others were more like their dad. Strong and not afraid to stand up for those they loved.
They would help her. Tristan, Lisa, Alex, Diane and Hannah. They helped before and they will do it again. But this time it will all be legal. After all, they are all FBI now. But they can never tell Karen or Daniel. JJ, she is one of those who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Samantha looked at Karen. She looked so small. Samantha could not help but be overrun with emotion. She sat beside her on the couch.
“Does Mom know?” Sam asked
“No, I don’t want to tell her in front of Daniel.” Karen shook her head. “How could someone do this? How did this happen, Samantha? Why?” Karen began to sob.
“Karen, you have to get control of yourself. It always sounds worse than it is. These are the best doctors in the world. Everything will be fine. We just have to give them time.”
Sam was lying.
Karen shook her head. “Not this time, Sam. We’re going to have to bury that boy and then Daniel.” Karen pulled away from her and left.
JJ walked over to Samantha. “I heard.”
“Karen’s right. There’s a good chance we’re going to lose them both. And then Amanda and Clare will get away with murder because we won’t have any witnesses that tie them to the crime.” Samantha walked to the back of the lounge and sat down in the window sill. “This has been quite a day. I never believed when I asked for something a little different yesterday, I would get this.” Sam turned her attention to JJ. “Will you help us, JJ? Help me? I will not let them kill that boy and my brother and get away with it.”
“Sam, try to sleep. I’ll send everyone home and I’ll set up while you rest a while.” JJ walked over to the cot they had brought for them to sleep on and fixed the covers. “Come on, sleep. I will wake you if th
ere is anything.”
“I need to check on Mom and Karen first. Then I will. I promise. JJ, I need to know, will you help me? If they let them go. Will you help me? I will make them pay.”
JJ looked at her. “You’re serious. Samantha, you are sick with grief. Be careful what you say. Someone will hear you.”
“I am serious, JJ. If you won’t help, I’ll understand.” Samantha pulled back from her. “I am not the angel you think. They put me in this position because they know I will do whatever it takes. I will make them pay. I just need to know if you want to be around me and my family or not. Think about it, JJ. This isn’t a game anymore. This team will be untouchable and so will everyone on it. But we have to trust each other unconditionally. I love you, but if you don’t want this, tell me now.”
JJ looked stunned. “I’ve never seen you like this. I just don’t know. I don’t know if I can live with myself, knowing that … well, that you’re planning …” JJ shook her head. “I hoped when I left Jamaica that I’d never have to be that person again.”
“You don’t have to do anything, JJ. If you feel like you need to report me, I want you to do that, too. Because you are and always will be my best friend, and I want you to be at peace. And I’ll be okay either way.”
JJ sat down on the couch. “I just need to think. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should get out now and never go back. Back to that life and that person.”
“Please let me know soon, okay?”
JJ looked up and gave Sam a wan smile.
Samantha’s heart was torn over the possibility of losing JJ, but she had to be honest with her before JJ got in too deep with what might happen. She walked out of the room and back down the hall.
Karen and her mother were coming out of ICU. They were both crying.
Karen was holding their mother’s hand. “I’m taking Mom back to the cabin for the night. You need to come too, Sam. You look awful.”
“Samantha, now you listen to me. You need rest or it will be you in there again.” Her mother’s voice was small. She looked so frail and old. She looked like she had aged overnight.
Samantha didn’t say a word. She just walked to her and hugged her. They held each other for a few minutes. Samantha finally let go and just looked at her mother. She stroked her long gray hair. She kissed her cheek. “I am going to sleep in the lounge. I promise. If I need you, I’ll call.”
Samantha walked to the hospital doors with her mother and sister. “I’ll call Lisa and tell them what’s going on. I’m sorry I had to send them away. They should be back in a day or two unless we need them sooner. I love you both. See you in the morning.”
Karen looked hard at Samantha. She couldn’t say anything. She led their mother to the car and drove away. Sam walked back to the lounge to find everyone standing there waiting for her.
Kirkland walked over to her. “Director, Samantha, let me stay and you go to the motel. It is only five minutes away. I promise I will call…”
“No, no, thank you, Kirkland, Matt. I can’t leave. I’ll at least get a few minutes of sleep here.”
They decided to go. Samantha walked over to the cot and sat down. She pulled out her cell and called Lisa.
“Do we need to come back now?” Lisa asked.
“I really need you to finish up there or at least get everything going in the right direction. Besides, there’s no use in all of us losing sleep.” Samantha told her about the gun and her conversation with Clare and Amanda.
“I still can’t believe that Clare shot Daniel. Did she say why?” Lisa continued.
“No, no explanation at all, but Adam was an accident. At least I think. I promise that woman will pay. If I find out Amanda is lying, she will pay, too. But for now, we have all the evidence we need to put both of them away for a long time. If Adam dies…” Samantha grew silent. She couldn’t finish her thought. “You know what? For mama’s birthday, I think we should have a big cookout. Like we used to. Let Daniel burn the food and everything. We’ll all stay at the farm for the week. It’ll be like old times.” Tears welled up in her eyes and her voice began to crack.
“I think that would be great. Now let’s talk about fun stuff. One of these women has been dead for over two years. The other at least a year and of course you know the first one found has been dead at least five months. I think more like nine months, but her parents said she contacted them five months ago. My best guess is he kidnaps these women and keeps them for a while. This is a good place, too. Very secluded. The actual cause of death in all three victims is exsanguinations. Blood loss, massive. From all the cuts. Looks like he played with them and when they did not do what he wanted he tortured them. Nice guy, huh?” Lisa stopped. “Samantha, are you there? Did you hear me?”
“Yes, I’m here. What about the chest being crushed? And the heads. They were posed or something right?” Samantha was so tired she could hardly think.
“Listen, get some sleep. Cameo has downloaded everything so far and we’ll set up the computer tomorrow. I’ll tell everyone what you found out about Clare and Amanda.”
“Yeah,” Sam whispered.
“Did Karen call her a lawyer?”
Sam didn’t respond. She couldn’t remember through the fog of sleep surrounding her mind.
“Never mind. We’ll talk about it all in the morning. Get some sleep, Deputy Director. I love you.”
“I love you.” Samantha hung up the phone and swung her legs onto the cot. She was asleep before she put the cell phone back in her pocket.
Her sleep was fitful. She had nightmares over and over. It was the same as before. Cody was walking the halls again. Looking and waiting. He was quiet this time. She could not get him to look at her. She followed him to the door of the ICU. He turned and screamed.
Samantha woke up. She was shaking and soaked with sweat. It was hard to sit up from the cot. Her legs didn’t want to work. Her head was aching. She was so sick. Suddenly she jumped from the cot and ran towards the bathroom. She started throwing up. After a few minutes, she walked to the sink and rinsed out her mouth. She looked in the mirror. She was pale with dark circles under her eyes. She decided to go and check on Adam and Daniel. She started down the hall still half asleep.
The intercom started blaring. “Code Blue ICU, Code Blue ICU.”
Samantha began to run down the hall to ICU. A crowd gathered around her. All she could do was watch the doctors and nurses run inside. She tried to stay calm, but it wasn’t working. They stood there for what seemed like hours.
Dr. Murphy walked out of the rooms towards them. The look on his face was grim.
Samantha began to cry. She knew Cody was right. Adam was gone.
Dr. Murphy walked out a short time later. She couldn’t bear to look at him.
“I’m sorry, Samantha, but Adam… We lost him. He had another aneurism. The bleeding wouldn’t stop and the aneurism ruptured. The bleeding was massive inside the brain and a clot went to the lungs. Everything happened at once. There was no time. We did everything we possibly could. There were just too many things against him. He died in a matter of minutes. I am very sorry. Give us a few minutes and you can go in and stay with him as long as you want.” Dr. Murphy looked exhausted. He walked away.
Samantha fell to her knees. She had never felt so alone. How could she tell everyone? Her grief transformed into rage. Mental images of killing Clare moved through her mind. And Amanda, too. It felt good to imagine their dying breaths.
Someone put their hands on her shoulders.
She turned.
It was Morgan. He helped her to her feet. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Sam, I am so sorry. I know I’m supposed to be in California, but I just had to see you.”
Samantha didn’t say anything. She just fell in his arms and cried like she did the day Cody died.
A nurse walked out of ICU and came over to them. “Ma’am, you can go in now. I am sorry.”
“Do you want me to go in with you?” Morgan asked, still holding on to her
“No, please call JJ.” Samantha turned and walked into ICU alone.
Samantha walked to Adam’s bed. They had removed the bandages. She could see his silky hair and those beautiful long eyelashes. She began to stroke his hair. She sat there for a long time before she realized she had not called any of her family. She reached for her cell.
She stared at the phone. She couldn’t do it. She burst into tears, falling across the small body of her nephew. Cody, Cody she called over and over. A shadow caught her eye. She looked up quickly. Her head was spinning. She felt sick again. She couldn’t see who was there.
She began to wipe her eyes and her face, blinking to see more clearly.
The shadow was gone. All that was left was Adam’s tiny body.
She took a deep breath, bent down, and kissed his cheek. “I promise, I will make them pay for this,” she whispered in his ear.
She had to call her family. She had promised.
She took one more deep breath and dialed Lisa’s cell. The conversation was short. Lisa woke everyone and they left California, headed home to bury their nephew. The next call was the worst. Samantha’s hands were shaking as she dialed Karen. Karen dropped the phone when Samantha told her the news. It was 5 AM.
Adam had been dead for almost an hour and it seemed like an eternity.
Chapter 24
When the family had all returned, they assembled in Adam’s room. The doctors had left Adam’s body in his bed in ICU until Sam gave them the word that it was time. They stood around his bed, surrounding him in love, and held hands. No one said a word.
Samantha was the first to break away and leave the room. She walked out of ICU and back to the lounge. JJ was standing in the room along with Kirkland and Stevens. “Where is Morgan?” she asked, looking puzzled.
“I’m sorry, Madam Deputy Director. He’s not here. I called the Director. He sends his sincere condolences. Would you like me to call Agent Morgan and ask him to return?”