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Alliance Page 10
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Page 10
“No, he’s needed in California. I just thought someone said he was here. Kirkland, I need you to get an indictment for first degree murder, one count, two counts conspiracy to commit murder, and two counts attempted murder. The defendant is Clare Anderson. Charge Amanda Thomas with the same and get her moved to the local psychiatric hospital. She needs to be evaluated. I don’t want her using the insanity defense. I want them in prison for the rest of their lives. Make sure both are on suicide watch as well.” Samantha was furious. “I will be the first to tell them.”
Without saying another word, Samantha left the hospital and drove back to the jail. She walked inside, pushing her way past the desk sergeant. Barely flashing her ID, she told the deputy to bring Clare to the interrogation room first.
Clare jerked her arms away from the deputy and sneered at Samantha. “What do you want now? I told you all I am going to.”
Samantha stood and glared at her, “Clare Anderson, you are under arrest for first degree murder of Adam Thomas, two counts of attempted murder and two counts conspiracy to commit murder. May you rot in hell.” Samantha walked over to her and whispered in her ear. “I will make sure of the last part. Take her back to her cell.” Clare screamed as the officer escorted her away.
The deputy brought in Amanda. It didn’t seem like there had been any change in her. She still acted like she didn’t know what was happening or where she was. But Clare was right. Amanda had perfected this act. Samantha pulled a chair up close to her. She wanted no one to hear everything she had to say.
“Your son is dead. Amanda, did you hear me? You can make everyone believe you are crazy if you want, but I know better.” Samantha leaned in close. “You are going to die, too. Do you understand that? I am going to make sure you never see daylight again. That boy never did anything to anyone. He was only two. How did it feel? Watching him fall and hearing him scream in pain every time you shot him? I promise, you psychotic wench, the last thing you will see before you die is me. And I will make sure you pay for every bullet you put in that child and in Daniel.”
Amanda stood in a rage. She began to hit Samantha and scream. She was throwing her arms and legs. She grabbed the chair and threw it against the wall. She screamed and ran towards her. “I will kill you, too. Your whole family deserves to die like dogs. He was a pig. I’m glad he is dead.”
Samantha just smiled. She walked up behind her and grabbed her around the throat. Sam whispered in her ear. “You will pay for killing my nephew and putting my brother in a coma. I promise, you will pay, and you will not know when.” Moving away, Samantha said in her normal voice, “Amanda Thomas, you are under arrest for first degree murder of your son, Adam Thomas, and the attempted murder of Daniel Thomas and conspiracy to commit murder. And anything else I can find.” Samantha turned to the deputy. “Make sure she is on suicide watch and call her lawyer.”
Samantha stormed out of the jail and drove back to the hospital.
Her mother was waiting for her outside.
“Well, did that make it better?” she said.
“Yes ma’am, it did.” Samantha was still angry.
The rest of the family walked outside. They all gathered around their mother. Tristan spoke first. “I guess we need to make arrangements. He will be buried near Daddy, right?”
“Yes, he will be buried next to your father. You girls see to it. I want it proper for Daniel’s sake. For when he wakes up. Samantha, you see to it those killing pieces of trash stay away from my family. I never want to see them again. And they will not be at my grandson’ funeral.” Samantha’s mother walked away.
All of the sisters had tears in their eyes.
Karen was trying to be strong. “Mother wants to go home. I’m going to take her now.”
“Samantha, we cannot let them get away with this.” Diane spoke up.
“We’re not going to let this go, right?” Tristan folded her arms.
Samantha’s jaw was set in a rigid line and her eyes were narrowed. Her voice was calm and controlled. “No. We will not let them get away with this. None of it. Every bullet every pain every day in here. They will pay.”
Alexia held up her hand. “Wait, let’s just get through the funeral and the next week with Mother. Then we can decide what to do next.”
Hannah shook her head. “There’s nothing to do next. The trials will start and neither of them will see the light of day again.”
“That is exactly what we are going to do. And if it doesn’t turn out right then we will fix it. I promise, they will pay for killing that child.” Samantha stepped to the center of her sisters. “Right now, let’s keep calm. We have things that have to be taken care of and we need to think of Mom. We don’t want to give them a reason to acquit. They cannot get away with this. I want to see that psychopath Clare rot in prison and Amanda in the ground. Nothing else will do.”
“And if the court doesn’t take care of it?” Tristan asked.
Lisa answered. “Then we will. But for now, keep quiet. Rest assured, we will not let this go. Adam will not have died for nothing. And we still have Daniel and Mom.”
Everyone agreed. They walked back into the hospital lounge.
Alexis picked up a napkin and started scribbling. “We need to set the funeral. Maybe for this Friday or Saturday. Tristan, you take care of that. Diane, can you pick out his clothes? Flowers, we need flowers.” She stopped and her eyes got wide. “God, if Daniel does wake up what will we do?”
“If I can, I would like to help.” JJ stepped up to the crowd. “I mean, if it’s okay. Just tell me what you want me to do.”
“Of course it is. You’re family, too, ya know.” Hannah put her arms around JJ.
Chapter 25
Sarah heard the car door slam outside. She laid as still as she could.
He was back. She couldn’t remember how long he’d been gone. She didn’t know what day or month it was. How long had she been here? And where was here?
She knew she was going to die. Maybe today. She gazed around the room she’d looked at a thousand times already, trying to see if anything new revealed to her where she was. All she could see was the bed in the center of the room. Otherwise, the room was bare. No pictures.
Her hands hurt. She was tied with some kind of wire. It cut into her. Her entire body hurt. Her ankles felt broken from being pulled and tied to the sides of the bed. There had to be a way to get loose.
She heard his footsteps. He was coming again. She began to wrench and pull against the wire. It hurt. She was too weak. She was shaking and crying. No time, she was out of time. He was in the room.
He ran towards her. He stopped and grabbed something from the floor. He came over to her.
She started screaming and pulling against the wires.
He had a knife. He moved over to her.
“Stupid whore. You’ve been trying to get away, haven’t you? Why do you try? You’re all the same. But you are mine. All mine. Not theirs. I can do whatever I want to you. They can’t stop me.” He threw back his head and laughed. He walked over to Sarah and began to make short deep cuts around her breast.
She screamed and begged him to just kill her.
He stopped. “What did you say?” He pulled off the gag.
“Kill me, please. Just kill me. I can’t take anymore. I want to die.” Sarah cried, sobbing. She looked up at him. “Kill me! Just kill me! You are nothing. Worse than nothing. Just kill me.” She began to cry harder.
“You want to die. You want me to kill you. What makes you think I care what you want? I say when and how. Not you or anyone. You belong to me.” He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back hard. “You belong to me now and forever. They will not find you and take you away from me. I will make sure no one ever finds you.” He slid down over her body and moved her under him.
He raped her again and again. She lost count of the times. She started feeling sick.
He sat up on the side of the bed, smiling. He began to look around. “We have to
move. They’ll be here soon. They will not get you, too. I’m going back home. Will you be a good girl? No, of course not. I guess you have to die. Maybe I will give them a present. Tell them I will never do it again.” He began to laugh. “Life is funny, ya know. You work real hard to build something. But it is never enough. So you kill a few people. Years and years go by without a hitch. Then one day some stupid whore stumbles on your work. And then the whole world gets in your business. All I wanted was something that was mine. No one else’s. Is that too much to ask? But that is the problem with people. Especially women. Sleeping with anything. Not taking care of themselves. They don’t respect themselves. Or the men they are with.”
“You’re not making any sense. You kidnap and kill women because they don’t respect you?” Sarah was bleeding and in pain. He had taken off her finger, cut her, raped her, beaten her, starved her. She was angry, ready to die. “Just do something. I want to go home, you stupid freak. Let me go.”
He stood up. He walked over to the side of the bed. “What did you call me? You have brass, baby girl. But I AM NOT A FREAK.” He picked up the wire cutters and grabbed her face. He took the cutters and took off her ear. He threw it across the room.
He laughed at her screams. He calmed quickly. “Now I feel better. What about you? Oh, you’re bleeding.” He walked to the table and lit a cigarette. He grabbed the gag and shoved it into her mouth. He held her face to the side and placed the cigarette on what was left of her ear. Sarah screamed and struggled, but the more she struggled the more he burned her.
He stood back and looked at her. “Well, I feel better. How about you, baby girl? Wow, look at me. All this blood. I need a shower.” He put out the cigarette on her arm.
Sarah was too weak to scream.
He threw the butt on the floor and left the room. He was singing. The shower started running.
She tried to move. Her arm was loose. She pulled as hard as she could. It hurt. She was so tired and in so much pain. The wire gave a little. She pulled again. Hurry, she thought, hurry. She took a deep breath and pulled with everything she had left. Her arm fell to her side. She was stunned. She pulled on the other hand. It was free.
She struggled to sit up. She felt like she’d been drugged. Her legs were heavy and wouldn’t move. She looked around the room. Where was she? Which way did she go? She pulled on the clothes he had left in the room. Shoes, I need shoes, she thought. She saw a pair near the closet.
The shower turned off.
Bile rose in Sarah’s throat. Her heart raced. Oh God, he’s coming. Staying as close to the floor as she could, Sarah crawled out of the room past the bathroom. She peeked inside. He was slim, brown, with black hair. She hated him. She wanted him dead. She almost screamed when he turned towards the door. She slid up the wall without a sound. She saw a chair not far from her. She looked back through the crack. He was walking to the door. Closet, somewhere to hide. Her mind was racing. She slid back into the corner and held her breath. “Please don’t see me,” She thought as the door cracked open even further.
He looked out, grinned and walked back into the bathroom. This time he shut the door completely.
She inched toward the chair. She pulled on it. She couldn’t move it. She was too weak. She gasped and pulled with everything she had. Her hand couldn’t hold the arm of the chair. Her thumb was gone. She looped her arm under the arm and lifted the chair. She walked to the door and put the back of the chair under the door knob. Quickly she walked out of the room. She went in circles. The rooms all looked the same.
Hallway. That must be the way out. She leaned on the wall and slid to the opening at the other end. She saw the front door. She was dizzy, starving, and in pain, but she focused all of her strength on the door. Pulling with all her might, it moved. She stumbled out into the light. It was early evening. She started looking around. Nothing was familiar. She was stunned. Which way should she run?
“Going somewhere?” He did not let her turn around. He took the hammer and hit her in the back of the head. Sarah fell.
She stood there too long. Her first step of freedom was the last.
She fought to remain conscious. He hit her again and again. Breathing heavily, he stood over Sarah. She was a mess. But he was not done. He dropped the hammer beside her and walked back into the house.
Sarah scooted the hammer beneath her.
When he returned, she heard him lay something beside her. She opened her eyes just enough to see what it was. Plastic and duct tape. He unfolded the plastic and pulled her into the middle of the sheet.
He bent down close to her. “You have to be kidding. Are you still alive? Well, I’ll give you credit, baby girl.”
Sarah took a deep breath and swung at his head.
He fell. Sarah got up and ran. She had no idea where she was, but she was not going to die today. The sun was going down and it was getting harder to find her way through the dense trees. She heard dogs and people. Light, there was a light in front of her. Sarah ran faster. She saw someone. She ran towards him. He was yelling something. Sarah didn’t care. She got close. He was in a uniform. He ran to her. She fell in his arms.
He didn’t win. The Handyman didn’t win.
Chapter 26
Samantha could not get up. She was retching. It was hard to breathe. Someone took hold of her arm and was helping her get off the floor. She looked up through the tears.
It was Kirkland. He squeezed her arm and pulled her to her feet.
Walking to the couch, she took a deep breath and sat. Samantha buried her face in her hands.
Someone spoke. It was Dr. Murphy.
Samantha looked up. What else could have happened?
“Excuse me, Daniel is awake. Please only two go in at a time. He is still very weak and unstable. Also, might I suggest we wait to speak about Adam for a while. He needs time to recover somewhat before he has another shock. He is still heavily medicated and in serious condition. I know it’s hard, but try to be optimistic.” Dr. Murphy walked away.
Everyone looked at Samantha. As usual, they waited for her to tell them what to do. She took a deep breath. “Let’s not tell him about Adam. It can wait. Lisa, you and I will go in first and see if we can keep him calm. Diane, call Karen and tell her Daniel is awake but not to bring Mom. He won’t be awake long. They can come in the morning. We’ll let them know if there are any changes. Hannah, you and Alex go next. Then Tristan and Diane. Remember, don’t try to talk to him about what happened. Just keep him calm. We don’t want to lose him, too. Lisa, let’s go.”
Samantha and Lisa entered ICU with false smiles on their faces.
Daniel was propped up in the bed. He was pale.
Lisa walked to the side of his bed and spoke softly. “Daniel, Daniel, are you awake?”
Samantha walked to the other side and sat on the edge of the bed. It was hard to look at him this way. She was biting the inside of her cheek to keep from crying.
Daniel opened his eyes. He struggled to sit up. “Adam, where is Adam? Someone shot us. Oh God, is he alive?” He grabbed his chest, then his head. He began to cough.
“Daniel, Daniel calm down. You need to stay calm.” Lisa was holding his arm and trying to hold him down.
Samantha leaned forward and yelled, “Daniel.”
He was so startled, he gasped.
Samantha was shaking.
After a minute, his breathing began to slow. He tried to see behind Lisa. “Where is Adam and everybody else?”
Samantha and Lisa exchanged glances.
“Adam is in another room,” Lisa said, sitting by his side.
“The doctor asked us to come in two at a time. Mom will be here in the morning unless you want me to get her here now.” Samantha sat on the other side. She smiled. “Just take it easy for a while. We just want you to know we love you. Lisa, we better let the others in. They want him to rest as much as possible.”
Lisa stood up and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, brother. I’ll see you in a whi
“I love you, too. Samantha, can you wait a minute?” Daniel reached for her hand.
“Okay, but only a minute. You need rest.”
“I will give you five minutes, okay?” Lisa walked out of the room.
“I guess you’ve figured out who shot me and Adam by now? Have you arrested them?” Daniel was starting to get upset again. He was holding her arm tight.
“Daniel, calm down. I’ve got them both in jail. They will be in prison for a long time.” Samantha began to pat his hand. “Don’t worry. Leave everything to me. They will pay for hurting you and Adam.”
“Sam, I don’t remember anything except trying to protect Adam. Without a confession, she’ll go free. Is Adam going to be okay? I remember … he looked bad.” Daniel held her gaze.
Sam knew Daniel better than almost anyone. His eyes were begging her to tell him Adam was okay.
“Listen, I have enough evidence to put them both away. She won’t hurt you again or anyone else. I promise.”
“Samantha, I need a divorce. I need it to be quiet and quick and she needs to release custody and--” Daniel began to hyperventilate. His heart rate skyrocketed.
“Daniel, if you don’t stop worrying, you’re going to stroke, and then you’ll give her what she wants and she wins. Do you want to die and leave that boy to her?”
Daniel took a deep breath and calmed himself. “No, she can’t have my boy. She won’t win.”
“Okay. I have to go. I will be right outside. I am going to let everyone else come see you before you go back to sleep, okay?” Sam stood up and walked to the door.
“Sam, thank you. I love you. Please tell Adam I love him and I want to see him, too, asap.” Daniel slid down in the bed.
Samantha froze. She had to think fast. “I don’t think Dr. Murphy will let us move him right now, but I’ll tell him hello from Daddy and that you love him. I’m sorry, but that’ll have to do for now.”
Daniel didn’t say a word, but he looked up and nodded his head.