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Alliance Page 8

  In the middle of the melee, Kirkland approached Samantha and handed her the phone. “It’s Agent Morgan for you, Deputy Director.”

  Samantha stepped outside so she could hear. “This is Agent Thomas.”

  “Samantha, it’s Morgan.” His calm voice settled Samantha’s nerves. “How is your brother and nephew?”

  “There’s no change in either of them. The doctor is still expecting us to lose Adam.” Samantha wanted to get off the subject as soon as possible. She had just begun to feel like herself while she was working. “How is the case? Do you have any information yet?”

  “Yes. A little. We have ID’ed the first victim found. She was from Arizona.”

  “So he is crossing state lines. That makes it federal.” Samantha was pacing and thinking. “Go on.”

  “All the victims have been tortured and bound in the same manner and gagged. All were killed with some sort of tool like a nail gun. There were lacerations all over their bodies except for their faces. The killer probably used a utility knife. Sam, it really does look like the same guy. The only thing different is that two of the victims’ chests were crushed post mortem. Like something was laid on them. Something heavy. Also, someone attacked Max. It’s possible it was the killer.”

  “What? Is he ok?”

  “Yeah, he’s fine. He has a bump on the head and a couple of stitches, but the best part is that the killer left a note. He said we took his property and he wants it back. All of it. I just hope this is all of it. We haven’t found any other bodies yet. Also, you’re going to love this. A police deputy told the media that all of the killings were related. He told them that they were done with everyday construction tools and now we have a hundred people here flooding this office. It’s turned into a zoo. Listen, we have a problem out here.” Morgan sounded disgusted. “Can you send more people? It got away from me, Sam, even before we got here. They had already started saying it was a serial killer and now the media has given him a name. The Handyman Killer.”

  “Not your fault, Morgan. Sounds like the sheriff lost it before we got there. Just keep calm and stay in control as much as possible. No matter what the sheriff says now, it’s an FBI case. So do what you do. Give orders.”

  They both chuckled.

  “Thanks, baby girl, I needed that. So you sending the Calvary or what?”

  “Yes, consider it done. Morgan, I still think you can handle this, so I’m not coming yet, okay?” Samantha was solemn again. “I would love to see you, but I need to be here. And I only have four days left to get my new job organized. I have faith in you.”

  Morgan took a deep breath. “I would love to see you, too. There are some things I would like to talk to you about. But not now. I hope your family is okay. Talk to you later.”

  Chapter 20

  Samantha hung up and walked back into the hospital. She had a stern look on her face as she entered the lounge. “There has been a change of plans. I wanted to take a few hours and talk to you all, but we have run out of time. I have to be blunt and fast. I need to send most of you to Forrest Ranch, California, but as FBI.

  “I have been given a new job and…well…this is not the time or place to explain it all, but I have no choice. I am the new Deputy Director for the FBI. I have been given responsibility over Cyberterrorism, BAU, Rapid Response and whatever else they feel like throwing at me. I have to put together 9 teams and locate them in various cities in the US. The 9th team is mine and will govern all the others. It’ll also assist in foreign issues. Long story short, I need all of you to be on the primary team.”

  Her sisters all had the same expression of pride and curiosity.

  “After everything settles down, we can have a formal thing. But as for now you are all hired and now work for the FBI. Congratulations, I think.”

  Everyone chuckled.

  “Now Lisa, Tristan, Alexis, Hannah, Diane and Cameo, I need all of you in California before dark. Kirkland, call the pilot. Take whatever you need and don’t have buy - within reason, Cameo.”

  Diane spoke first. “So this sounds like fun and all, but exactly what are we getting ourselves into? What kind of case is it?”

  “It’s a potential serial killer. Morgan says the media has given this guy a name. The ME is not up on serial killings. Hannah, I need you to hold her hand. We know that one victim was from Arizona. We have to ID the other girls that have been found. Tristan, we need an MO and any insight into this dirtbag’s psychology. Cameo, I need you to stay in constant information and contact with me. We need everything on the graves we can find, Diane. Lisa, narrow down the cause of death and time of death. I need to know how long these women have been dead. Maybe we can figure out how long he keeps them and if he already has another girl. Oh yeah, Morgan is lead on the ground. I am staying here to finish this. You can reach me 24/7. I need eyes and ears until I can get there and that means you. Any questions?”

  No one spoke.

  “Good. Let’s go.”

  “Wait a minute.” Tristan stood, holding up her hand and mocking a stern expression. “You mean I work for you now?”

  They all started to laugh. “Yeah, smarty pants.” Samantha grinned. “Now get out of here.”

  Everyone stood and grabbed their belongings. As they left, each hugged Samantha and told her congratulations. It seemed like forever since the family had any good news. Samantha continued with her orders.

  “Kirkland, tell the pilot to stay with them at least tonight and be back here tomorrow in case we have to go. JJ, help me with these files. We need major cities or surrounding areas. Then keep me from jumping out of my skin.”

  JJ gave her two thumbs up. “You are doing fine, Boss.”

  “Thanks. I needed that, my friend.”

  Sam turned to Kirkland. “Oh, Kirkland, tell the director there are nine teams and the primary is set. Also, let him know that Morgan is executive assistant in Quantico, Jess Wilson is executive assistant in New York. I will have a team leader by tomorrow and the other 6 executives by Friday as well as their locations. Does anyone know where Stevens is? We need help with these files.”

  Samantha and JJ went over to the table and started organizing the pile of personnel files. “They won’t go through themselves. I need them put into categories first. 1-5 years, 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20. Then we can worry about qualifications, etc.”

  Stevens returned and pitched in. They worked for hours going through the files, trying to find the right combination of 78 people to work on these teams. They took out everyone under six years of service. Then found the six with the most years. They poured over the same files until they got down to one hundred.

  Samantha stood. “Let’s take a break. I am going to check on Daniel and Adam. Why don’t you guys get something to eat?”

  JJ stretched and yawned. “I can’t stomach hospital food. Can we get take out?”

  “I think we should get out of here for a while.” Kirkland leaned back in his chair.

  “Yeah, that sounds great.” JJ bounced up from her chair.

  “You guys go on. I’ll stay here. Just bring me something. And take your time. You all have worked hard.” Samantha was getting a headache from stress and a lack of food. She pushed the pain aside. “Do we know if the team is in Forrest Ranch yet and is there any information?”

  Stevens turned in his chair. “Yes, they’ve arrived, but it’s too dark to investigate the dump site. Cameo has the information downloaded and the rest of the team is trying to weed through the crazies. Morgan will call later tonight with another update.”

  “Great, good job. Now all of you go and get out of here a while.” Samantha put her hands on her hips and headed for the door.

  “Ma’am, I think it would be in your best interest to get a few minutes away from here also. It has been a very long day.” Kirkland was talking in his best father voice.

  “Thanks, Kirkland, but I would rather spend some time with my family. Karen brought Mom in a while ago. I would like to see her. Would you plea
se pick up my bag from the cabin before you come back? They forgot to bring it.”

  “I am sorry, Madam Director, that this happened to you so fast. But I do think they picked the right person for the job. The director shares my sentiments. He sends his best and says you are making good progress. He is sure you will be ready by Friday, but with everything here let it be second priority. And nine teams are fine, if that is your decision. He also likes your choices thus far.”

  “Some good news then.” Samantha smiled. She turned toward Daniel’s and Adam’s rooms.

  Chapter 21

  When she entered, her mother and sister were sitting beside Daniel’s bed. She decided to see Adam first. He was lying there so still she could hardly see him breathe. The machines kept perfect rhythm. They seemed to play him a lullaby. She could remember singing Cody his favorite lullaby. Then teaching it to Adam when he was born. She began to hum. Slow and small. He looked so small. How could a mother hurt her only child? Someone so innocent. She stroked his hair and sat beside him. “Remember last Christmas when we were all at Grandma’s house. You were the baby and got all the cool toys.” Tears began to run down her face.

  Adam did not stir. She knew he was going to leave them. But Cody would take care of him. She could see him in the corner still waiting.

  Images from the last six years ran through her mind. Losing her son, the divorce, a new job and another new job, Morgan. She didn’t want her only brother to suffer like she had.

  She had to see Amanda and Clare. She stood up and walked to Daniel’s room. “Karen,” she whispered. “Come here, please. Is Daniel still doing okay?”

  Karen had been crying. “Yes, there’s no real change. The doctor said he seemed stable for now. What’s wrong? What about Adam?”

  “Nothing. He’s the same. I need your car. Did you park it out front?” Samantha whispered. “Don’t tell Mom I’ve left. I’ll be back in a while.”

  Karen handed her the keys without a word and returned to her chair beside Daniel.

  Samantha left the hospital, breathing in the cool evening air. She found Karen’s car and got inside. She drove ten minutes to the jail. She was sure they hadn’t been transported to federal holding yet. Parking the car, she fumbled in her pockets to find her ID. She walked inside the jail and asked to see Amanda first.

  Samantha followed the deputy to the interrogation room. She sat down near the back of the room. Anger had replaced the sorrow from the hospital room. She was not sure what to say when she saw her. There had been dozens, maybe hundreds of people she had interrogated, but never someone who was supposed to be family.

  Amanda had had problems ever since she gave birth to Adam. She was so good with Cody. The perfect mother. They had been married five years before they had Adam. She used to hold Cody and cry, wanting a baby so bad.

  She had really fooled everyone, especially Daniel.

  Samantha shook her head. This can’t be real. There’s no way she shot them. It had to be Clare. But why? And even if she did shoot Daniel, Adam had to be an accident.

  The door swung open and the deputy seated Amanda across the table from Sam. She looked wild. Scared to death. She began to cry, acting as if she did not know where she was or why she was there. Samantha knew better.

  Amanda’s eyes darted around the room. Samantha stood up.

  Amanda ran to her, hugging her. “Thank you, thank you.”

  Samantha pushed her back until she was at arm’s length.

  The deputy ran to restrain her.

  Samantha took hold of both her arms. “Amanda, Amanda.” She shook her. “Get hold of yourself. Do you know where you are?” Samantha pushed her into a chair. “It’s okay, Officer, I’ve got her. You can leave.”

  “Okay, Ma’am. Push that button if you need anything.” The deputy left.

  The lock clicked in place as the door swung shut.

  Amanda started crying and yelling.

  Sam couldn’t understand her. “Amanda, shut up. Get a hold of yourself.” Sam took a chair from the table and sat in front of her. “Amanda, look at me. Who am I? Do you know what happened? Where are you? Where is Adam and Daniel? Can you tell me anything?”

  Amanda looked up at Samantha. She had become eerily calm. “I told you I would not let them leave me. I told all of them.”

  The look in Amanda’s eye was one she had seen before. “Amanda, did you shoot your child and husband?” Sam was no longer looking at her as family but as a cold blooded killer. Just like all the rest. “If you tell me what happened, I will get you to the hospital. Move you from here. Is that what you want?”

  “Mama has the gun. I think she put it in the dryer vent or maybe under the loose board back there. Is Daniel coming home tonight? I have to fix supper. Adam is taking a nap. He is such an angel, you know.” Amanda started playing with her hair.

  “Listen Amanda, did you shoot them? You know Adam is going to die, don’t you? When he does, it’s murder, first degree. Did your mother shoot them? Or did you? Please Amanda. At least tell me why you did it.” Samantha stood up and moved toward the far wall. She turned her face away from Amanda so she couldn’t see the tears welling in her eyes.

  “It’s okay, Sam. Mama did it. I saw her. Is that what you wanted? I don’t know why. She didn’t like Daniel, but I did. Can I go home now?” Amanda was childlike. Samantha didn’t know if she had just said what Sam wanted her to hear or if she was telling the truth.

  Maybe Adam was an accident either way. Maybe that would help her sleep. Samantha stood up and called for the deputy.

  “Has she seen a doctor yet?” Sam asked not, knowing if she really cared or not.

  “No, ma’am. No one but her lawyer and you have seen her. Oh yeah, that other FBI man.” The deputy took hold of Amanda and began to lead her back to her cell.

  Sam couldn’t remember who else from the FBI had come to see Amanda. She’d have to look into that later.

  A few minutes later, Samantha stepped outside the jail. She pulled out her cell and called Karen. “Karen, do you know someone who can represent Amanda? I think she’s innocent. The same lawyer represents both her and Clare.”

  “Do you really think she’s innocent, Samantha?” Karen asked crying.

  “I just can’t tell Karen, but I do think she’s sick and needs help. I don’t know. Maybe I’m trying to make myself feel better. I am going to talk to Clare now. Please send someone from the DA’s office for Amanda.” Samantha closed her cell and turned to go back into the interrogation room and wait for Clare.

  No one in the family had any love for Clare, but she always seemed decent to Daniel and she thought the world of Adam.

  And Ben had loved Adam with all his heart. Adam was their only grandson.

  Her thoughts settled on Ben. Where was he? Could he have seen what happened?

  The deputy led Clare into the room. She saw Sam and asked to be returned to her cell.

  “I don’t think you want to do that, Clare. I need to talk to you. Amanda is really sick. I just need to ask you a few things and then I will leave you alone. Please.” Samantha walked over to her and asked the deputy to remove her hand cuffs.

  “I don’t have to say anything to you without my lawyer.” Clare was insistent.

  “No, but you can listen.” Samantha led her to the center of the room and sat her at the table. She pulled the chair across from her and sat down. “Clare, I believe you know what happened to Daniel and Adam. I believe you know who shot them.”

  “I don’t know anything. I didn’t see anything.” She looked Sam in the eyes.

  “Okay. Then let me tell you what I know. I have a witness that said you shot Daniel and that Adam ran into the line of fire. I have your bloody handprint on the back door. It’s yours. I have Daniel’s blood leading to your house. And two officers saw you standing over the bodies and leaving the scene. And then there’s Amanda. She swears mama done it.”

  “There can’t be a witness. Only me and Amanda were there. Besides Daniel a
nd Adam. No one else until the cops got there.” Clare realized what she had done and covered her mouth.

  “So it was just you and Amanda. You shot my brother and your grandson. I’ll tell you something else, Clare. I know where the gun is.” Samantha was cold.

  “You stupid pig. You tricked me.” Clare slammed her fist on the table. An instant later, her demeanor changed. She sat back in her chair. “It doesn’t matter. You can’t use this against me. My lawyer isn’t here and Amanda will do what I tell her.”

  “No, Clare. Amanda has her own lawyer. And just for you, I’m going to find where you hid that gun and you will spend the rest of your life in prison. But if that boy dies, I will not stop until they stick a needle in your arm. Adam is only two and you haven’t even bothered to ask if he’s okay. Clare, one way or another you have spent your last free day in this life.” Samantha stood, balling up her fist. Instead hitting her, she leaned in and said, “I promise you, if the jury by chance sets you free you will spend the rest of your life wondering which day I am coming.”

  “I didn’t shoot them. It was Amanda. I just found her.” Clare was white with fear.

  “Liar. That woman can’t hold a glass much less a gun. She couldn’t possibly fire it.” Samantha tried to hide her excitement. She was getting the information she longed for.

  “Don’t let her fool you, Samantha. She is very good at getting sympathy. She fooled me for years and I’m her mother.”

  “Some mother. You protected Amanda. You chose her over your own grandson when you made sure she was set free after her last admittance to the psychiatric hospital. And you fired a gun with a child that close.” Samantha motioned for the deputy to come into the room. “Put Ms. Anderson in solitary and on suicide watch. No one but her lawyer is to see her or talk to her until further notice.”

  Samantha knew she had to get that gun before Clare told her lawyer where it was. Or worse, Ben. She also knew she couldn’t be the one to find it. She could only think of one person. Joe. She pulled her cell from her jacket and dialed his number. “Joe, it’s me. I know where the gun is and we need a warrant. Who do you know?” She ran to the car.