Alliance Page 21
“Up for a little company?” He smiled.
“I’m not sure how much company I’ll be tonight.” Samantha stepped back, opening the door wider.
“That’s okay. I just don’t want to be alone.” Morgan stepped inside.
Samantha closed the door quietly. Morgan walked to the center of the room and put his bag on the floor next to Samantha’s. He held out his hand. Samantha took it with a smile.
“That’s my girl.” Morgan pulled her close and wrapped his arms tight around her. Samantha didn’t want to admit it, but she was glad he was there. Maybe for just one more night. They didn’t speak. They only held each other and fell asleep.
Chapter 60
Samantha woke to find herself alone in bed. She sat up and looked around the room. She fell back into bed and rolled on her side. It was barely daylight. She fumbled to find her watch on the nightstand. It was 6:00 AM. She listened close to hear if there was anyone else up. There was a slight mumble coming from down the hall. She threw back the covers and sat up on the side of her bed. She stood up, pulling on her pants. She stretched and took a deep breath. The air was cool and the floor cold to her bare feet. She could hear mumbling outside the door. It sounded like Kirkland was talking to someone. She could not make out who.
Maybe he’s on the phone, she thought.
She turned back to the bed and pulled on her robe. She reluctantly headed to the living room. She was dreading talking to anyone.
When she reached the for the knob, she noticed a piece of paper that had been pinned to the door with the pocket knife from her jacket. The note was handwritten. “Today is the day, Samantha. You will be my 31.” Samantha pulled it down and backed away from the door. She walked back to the bed and pulled the covers back. No syringe.
She decided not to go undressed into the living room. She quickly dressed and put her holster on her side. She folded the note and put it her jacket pocket. “Well, I hate it when I’m right.” Samantha took another deep breath and left the room.
JJ and Kirkland were already in the kitchen fixing coffee. The house was still quiet. The smell filtered down the hall and one by one the bedroom doors began to open.
The creaking floors no doubt awakened everyone, and soon the kitchen was filled with all of Sam’s favorite people. The smells of breakfast filled the house. Only the sounds of pots and pans could be heard. Everyone was quiet. No one really knew what to say.
Samantha took notice of who was still in the house. She didn’t see Morgan or Max. That wasn’t too unusual. Those two disappear together all the time.
Samantha found JJ lingering around the living room window. She walked over slowly.
“Having a good morning so far?” Samantha blew over her third cup of coffee.
“I guess, but I don’t really want to do this.” JJ looked over at her friend.
“Yeah, tell me about it. Let’s walk outside.” Samantha opened the door and the two slipped outside unnoticed.
Samantha pulled the note out of her jacket. She handed it to JJ. “Told you.”
JJ opened the note. “I hate it when you’re right. That’s not all. Notice anything out here that looks different?”
Samantha looked around. One of the SUVs had been moved. Samantha motioned for JJ to follow her. They walked around the car, opening all five doors. There was nothing out of the ordinary. They walked to the front of the car and leaned on the hood. The car was still warm.
“You’ve been up longer than me. Who came in?” Samantha put her cup on the hood. They stood silent for several minutes.
“You still think it is a good idea to keep this to ourselves?” JJ didn’t look at Samantha.
Samantha was calm. “This is going to be the worst day for the family in over four years. I don’t want to add to that. Besides, the less people running around the less likely there will be mistakes. Just keep it simple. We know he’s here and we know he’ll wait until after the funeral. So remember when everyone goes to the farm, go with them and as soon as it gets dark make some excuse to come back. We should have a party going by then. If I’m right.”
“So what if something goes wrong?” JJ shook her head. “What if he comes after you at the funeral or before I get back or any number of other possibilities?”
“JJ, we know this guy. He likes to take his time. He didn’t kidnap and kill 30 women by being impatient. He doesn’t like to be interrupted. If anything goes wrong, you know where he is going.” Samantha turned towards the house. “It’s time to get ready. I almost wish this guy had come after me before I had to see this.”
They walked together into the house.
Sam could feel the buzz of emotions and grief. Daniel was tearful and couldn’t speak. Mother kept herself busy by cleaning and tidying the house. She looked as though she had been up all night. Samantha was not sure which would be worse – the next four hours or the hours during and after Adams funeral.
It took forever to get the entire family ready. Most of the team went into town to get ready. Everyone decided to meet one hour before the funeral and ride together.
Samantha asked Kirkland to help with all of the formalities like introducing the team. She was certain she would forget.
Chapter 61
The black SVUs were appropriate for a funeral. It looked like the procession was coming to the church instead of leaving it. Kirkland rode with Samantha. She was not sure who else was in the car. She was afraid to turn her head. The car was quiet. It took almost thirty minutes to get to the church. It seemed like hours. All of them stopped just short of the church entrance. Daniel held his head down as he was wheeled into the church. He nodded a greeting to a couple approaching the church. He smiled at their condolences. Morgan and CJ held the door open for him as he entered the church. Her mother and Karen were sobbing. Samantha tried to push the real reason for being there out of her mind and focus on getting her family seated in the church. JJ walked beside her and they both helped Mom find her seat. Samantha turned and led the rest of the Thomas family to seats up close to Adam’s casket. She sat down on the end of the pew. The team filed in behind her and her family.
Samantha tried to tune out the sounds of the preacher and the crying. She could remember only five other times she had been in this church with her family. Two were funerals, her dad and her son Cody; one was her wedding and the other was Adam’s and Cody’s Christening. She tried to drown out the words of the preacher, but no matter how hard she tried some of them got through. Tragic loss, loss of a child, died too young, taken, grief, loss. She wanted to scream. Samantha was so angry. Her thoughts became dark. “I hope the Handyman made Amanda suffer. When I find her, if she is still alive….”
She looked up. The preacher was trying to shake her hand. Everyone was standing but her. She jumped to her feet and held out her hand. She couldn’t make out what he was saying to her. She just held out her hand and smiled, shaking her head. People started filing out. Daniel had asked if he and his family could have a few minutes alone with Adam before going to the cemetery.
Approaching the casket, Daniel grasped the side of the casket with both hands and struggled to his feet. He bowed his head. “Bye, little buddy. I’ll see you again, okay? Keep Grandpa company up there.”
He leaned his forehead against Adam’s and sobbed.
Sam thought she would throw up.
Kirkland put his hands on her shoulders.
Samantha wiped away the tears running down her face. “Sorry, Kirkland. You shouldn’t see me like this. Take Mother and everyone to the limos please. Daniel and I will be right along.”
Sam approached Daniel. “Do you remember when Cody was here. You promised we would find his killer and make him pay?” Samantha whispered in his ear. “Nothing anyone can say will help you but knowing you have a reason to live and that is to make the person who hurt your child pay.”
Daniel looked up at his younger sister. “Promise me you’ll take care of this. Promise me yo
u’ll stand by me. And I want grandmother’s ring back with her finger attached.
Samantha held Daniel as tight as she could. “I promise Daniel, I promise. We have to go. There are still things to take care of first.”
Daniel leaned over and kissed his son. He fixed his coat and ran his hand across his face. Daniel stood up as straight as he could and pulled Adam’s favorite toy from his jacket and laid it beside him. “Do you remember when Daddy bought this for you? You said it was your favorite. You have slept with it every night.”
Daniel’s chest heaved. He collapsed into his wheelchair, putting his hand to his heart. “The pain is so unbearable, Sam.”
“I know. Of all people, I know.” Samantha put her arm around Daniel’s waist. “Let’s go, brother.” They walked out of the church together. Amanda had to pay.
Chapter 62
The ride to the cemetery was the longest ride any of them had taken. Daniel was eerily silent. Mother was inconsolable. JJ sat beside Samantha and laid her head on her shoulder. There was nothing to be said.
The cemetery was freshly cut. Every headstone cleaned. Adam’s grave could be seen from everywhere. The chairs were lined up under the tent for the family. Samantha didn’t want to sit there. The procession took almost thirty minutes to stop. There was still a steady line of cars coming through the gates.
They had to begin even though people were still arriving. The team lined up around the hearse to carry Adam’s casket to the grave site. Only Kirkland stayed behind, pushing Daniel to the tent. The multitude of people gathered around the entire Thomas family and the preacher began to read from the Bible.
Samantha was shaky. She felt ready to pass out. Someone put their arm around her waist. She looked over. It was Morgan. He pulled her close. She did not resist. JJ stood on her other side and Kirkland behind her.
After all the comforting words, Daniel refused to leave the grave to let them finish. He watched as they lowered his son and filled the hole with dirt. He had stopped crying. There was nothing left inside him. Samantha knew that feeling. She was once again trying to filter out the preacher, but words were still getting through. “With great loss comes great comfort from God.”
“Yeah, knowing you are going to make that psycho pay.” Samantha whispered.
“Did you say something, Sam?” Morgan pulled her close again and leaned close to her.
“No, nothing.” Samantha shook her head. She looked at JJ.
JJ nodded her head yes. She knew what Samantha said.
Finally, it was all over. Samantha shook hands with more people than she could count. The family did what was expected. Smiles, thank you, I will, Come see us, all the usual responses.
At last they were alone. The Thomas family stood alone in the cemetery, staring at yet another grave.
Mother walked to the center of her children. “Everyone will stay at the farm tonight. I want you all together. No excuses, Samantha. Daniel, you ride with me.” Short and sweet, like always. Mother knew no one would question anything she said.
Samantha fell in behind her family. She walked over to Cody’s grave. She folded her arms. Tears fell silently down her face. JJ walked over with Morgan. They both put their arms around her.
“It’s time to go Sam.”
“I have not been here in four years. Is that bad?” She looked up at Morgan.
He put his arms around her and held her tight. “No honey, that is not bad.” He held her for several minutes. She melted into his arms and allowed him lead her to the car. They got into the backseat. Kirkland and JJ rode in the front. She had less than thirty minutes to grieve and be held. When she reached the farm, all of that had to change. She had to be Samantha, woman of steel, who could fix anything.
Morgan held her as tight as he could and buried her face in his chest. He kept whispering to her that everything was going to be okay.
She didn’t speak. She only cried. For her brother, for her nephew, for her mother. For herself.
She allowed herself to just be small and needy. In so many ways, she hoped the ride would last for the rest of her life. No more killers, no more people dying, no more children hurt, and no more loneliness.
The car stopped in front of the house. The house was already bustling with activity. Karen had made Mother lie down. Daniel was on the front porch drinking. Diane, Lisa, Alexandra, Hannah and Tristan were in the kitchen pretending to do something.
Samantha looked around at her family. None of them knew what to say or do. She took a deep breath and grabbed JJ by the hand. She pulled her to the kitchen with her sisters. “Come on, everyone, we have hungry people to feed. Diane, Tristan get the dinner sets out and set the table, Hannah, JJ start putting food out. Alex, can you make bread?”
They all looked at Samantha, then did as she directed.
Samantha walked back over to the men standing in the den. Kirkland, will you and CJ try to get Daniel in here?”
They went out on the porch without question.
“I think I will help Alexandra make bread.” Max walked away with a smile.
“You like the way everyone listens to you, don’t you Sam?” Morgan pulled her close. “That’s why you are perfect and you are mine.” He smiled as he kissed her gently.
Samantha looked up at him confused. He did not understand at all. She did not like being in control all the time. Just once she wanted to be taken care of not taking care of everything.
What did it matter? He had already made his decision. He was staying in Quantico. Besides, if she was lucky The Handyman would finish it soon.
She stepped back and smiled. “I think I will see if I can help.”
Morgan walked away and left her alone. Samantha flitted through the house. She made her way down the hall to her mother’s room. She knocked lightly on the door. There was no answer. She walked inside to find mother sitting at the window in the rocking chair Dad had bought her. “Mother, you need to come and eat. Everything is almost ready.” She moved over and sat on the bed near her.
Mother turned her head. She wiped tears from her eyes. “It happens too much, Samantha. There is too much pain in this life.”
Samantha took her by the hand. “Mom remember what you told me when Cody died? Our family is going to make ready a place for us.”
“I’m sure it was not much comfort then either, child.” Mother stood and walked out of the room.
She was right. There is no real way to comfort people or yourself. You just have to have a reason to get out of bed every day. No matter what that reason is.
Once again the sounds of mumbling came down the hall. Samantha continued to sit on the edge of her mother’s bed. She stared out the window.
“There you are. It’s time to eat.” Morgan walked into the room.
Samantha gave him half a smile. He walked over and sat down with her. “I don’t think I’ve told you how sorry I am for you and your family. I forget that sometimes.” Morgan put his arm around her and pulled her close. “I’m not good at this, Samantha. Is there anything I can say?”
“No, not really, but, thank you. Morgan.” She felt a distance between them. One she had never felt before. There were too many questions now. JJ was sure he was the one who hit her. She was certain he was the one she had seen and chased. There was no time for that now. But the time was coming soon when she would have to find out.
“That is the other reason I love you, Samantha. You can still tell it like it is.” He stood up and held out his hand for her. “Come on.”
Samantha took his hand. He pulled her up and into his arms. “I will never let you go, Samantha. You are mine. You are the last thing I need to make my life complete. No more pain, I promise no more pain.”
Samantha did not speak. She just took his hand and let him lead her down the hall.
Every seat in the dining room was filled after Morgan and Samantha sat down. The chatter was a little more uplifting. All except Daniel. As expected, he was quiet.
Mother sat at the hea
d of the table. She smiled and folded her hands. “Mr. Kirkland will you please say grace?”
Daniel didn’t make eye contact with anyone while he ate. After only a few bites he excused himself and returned to the porch.
Samantha got up and followed him outside.
Daniel had rolled himself to the far end of the porch and was staring at the fields behind the house. “I wanted Adam to run those fields just like we did. Remember, Sam?”
“Sure.” Samantha walked closer.
“I was going to talk to the family this fall at Thanksgiving. I wanted to buy the family farm and move out here with Mom. Just me and Adam.”
“You were going to give up your career?” Samantha folded her arms and looked at the floor. “You know you don’t have to buy this. Though we all expected it to be yours. It still can.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I know what I said, but I just want this to go away. I don’t want to think about Clare, Ben or Amanda anymore. Make it go away Sam. We can only get Clare on tampering and Amanda is gone. I don’t want a trial. Or offer her a deal. Or anything. Just make sure I never have to see them again. I will never go back to that house. Sell everything.” Daniel rubbed his face. He waved Sam away. “Can I be alone? I just want to be alone.”
Samantha turned and walked back into the house. She knew this feeling and that there was nothing that could be said. But she knew exactly what to do.
Chapter 63
The chatter had fallen off as soon as she came back in from the porch. Samantha was glad dinner was over. Samantha couldn’t talk business. That would upset her mother. So for the most part they just awkwardly sat beside each other and didn’t speak. Just the occasional pass this or that.
She and her sisters decided to stay at the farm like Mother wanted. Just as Samantha thought they would.