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Alliance Page 20
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Page 20
Diane and Kirkland came back into the cabin carrying Diane’s bag, a first aid kit and water. Diane opened her kit and grabbed gloves. She got down on her knees beside the couch and pulled her kit to her.
Samantha stood up and walked over to Morgan. “Where have you been? Every time I’ve needed you, I can’t find you. “
“Sam, you sent me to Arizona to track down that the family of the victim we identified. Remember?” Morgan smiled and put his hand on her arm.
“No, I had you with us. You were supposed to stay with me.” Samantha stared directly into Morgan’s eyes.
Morgan stared back.
His face was expressionless, and his eyes were guarded.
“We need to get back to town. JJ will have to have some stitches and you need to be checked out.” Lisa walked to join the duo.
Sam broke her gaze from Morgan’s. “Fine, you guys ride with Kirkland. Morgan and I will ride together.” Samantha motioned for everyone to leave.
Chapter 54
The ride back to town was quiet. Samantha’s head still hurt. She was angry. This had been a whirlwind week.
Morgan was quiet, too.
They were following the rest of the team. Samantha stared through the trees. Her thoughts were racing.
She hoped her plan worked. And she hoped she was wrong about this killer.
Samantha turned and looked at Morgan. He was staring straight ahead. He was solemn. He looked drained, tired, and angry. She noticed several cuts on his hands and forearms.
Samantha didn’t ask any questions. She didn’t want any answers.
After a few more minutes, she broke the silence. “We will be holding a press conference as soon as we get back. I want this wrapped up and all of us out of here by tonight.”
“So, you are sure Bob Davie is The Handyman Killer?” Morgan did not look at her.
“Yes, all of the evidence says it’s him. We have the scrapbooks, pictures and the cabin full of trace. Plus, we have his accomplice. Both dead. They were cowards. Preying on young innocent girls. Cowardly sadists. He had to tie them up and torture them for days or even weeks. What could he have possible got out of that kind of torture? You know yourself they are all cowards. And most of them more animal than man. So it’s over. Good riddance to them both.” Samantha crossed her arms.
Morgan did not speak. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel. He stared ahead. “What if you are wrong, Sam? What if we both are wrong?”
“How could we be wrong? We have more than enough evidence.”
Samantha did not speak the rest of the way to town.
Chapter 55
They arrived in town to find the sheriff and his deputies waiting. They were still looking for Davie. Morgan pulled the SUV in behind Kirkland and the rest of the team and they all disembarked.
Samantha walked ahead of the group. “Diane, take JJ over to the hospital. Everyone else get ready to leave. Kirkland, let’s get the press conference ready. I will brief the sheriff.”
Samantha walked up to the sheriff. “Davie is dead and so is his accomplice. We have all the evidence we need to prove Davie was The Handyman killer.”
“Who was his accomplice?” Sheriff Taft was confused.
“He appeared to be a drifter. But I believe he was part of his sniper team. There were at least four of them.” Samantha looked at the ground.
“How do we know that? Sheriff Taft turned to walk into the department building. “We couldn’t get his military records. And are there any more? And what about the last victim?”
“Sheriff Taft, calm down. It’ll take weeks to connect all the dots, but we have solid proof that Davie is our killer. I think you need to hold a press conference immediately and tell your community. We will be pulling out tonight. I will leave someone here to help with the forensics and anything else you need.” Samantha held her head.
“So that’s it. This is really over?” Sheriff Taft looked relieved.
Kirkland followed Sheriff Taft into the department. He was very emotional. Diane and Lisa took JJ to the small hospital a few blocks down.
Morgan and Samantha stood in the middle of the street looking at each other.
“I think you need to have that bump on your head looked at, Sam.” Morgan spoke first.
“I am fine, just angry. I am going to the hotel to shower and change.” Samantha walked off.
She was going over all of the evidence they had found in her head. There was no way Davie was the killer and she knew it. He was dead when she was hit on the head and when JJ was attacked. But she was sure the real killer would follow her. He had to. She was his 31.
Samantha wanted to put as much distance between her and Forrest Ranch as possible. She knew The Handyman would follow her back to Chicago. There were no cabins or acres to hide in there. Just one small cabin 30 minutes outside of town.
She hoped JJ would be well enough to play cat and mouse with her.
Chapter 56
Samantha got to the hotel room. She hesitated as she opened the door, remembering the last time. She walked inside with her pistol drawn. There were no surprises waiting for her. She walked over to the dresser. She pulled off her jacket and laid it over the chair. She pulled the picture from the cabin out of her pocket. There were four men in military gear. All of them were holding sniper rifles. She couldn’t make out any of the faces. The men all seemed to be young, probably around 18. The picture was at least twenty years old. That would have made Davie about twenty or so at the time.
She needed to get Cameo to enhance the picture and run it for facial recognition. More than likely the others were in the system as well. Samantha sat down on the bed. She was tired. The bed was cold. Samantha ran her hands over the sheets. They were wet, not cold. She stood up and pushed back the covers. There, laying just out of reach, was a syringe. It was full. Samantha walked back over to the dresser. She pulled her phone from her jacket. “JJ, are you okay? Where are you?” Samantha spoke softly.
“Yeah, I’m fine in my room, why?” JJ had just laid across her bed.
“Nothing, can you come down here?” Samantha stood near the door.
It only took a few seconds for JJ to get to Samantha’s room. Sam opened the door.
“What’s up Sam?” JJ asked as she entered the room.
“You look rough. Look in the bed.” Samantha pointed.
JJ walked over and pushed the covers back again. The syringe was still there. “Well someone left you a gift again. At least this one wasn’t covered in blood.” JJ leaned over to pick up the syringe. “Looks almost full. You think it is seconal?”
“Probably, that’s what he used on all the rest.” Samantha put her Glock away and walked over to JJ.
“You know you’re about to let Sheriff Taft tell the whole world that this man is dead, right?” JJ sat down on the bed.
“It’s the only way. We both know that Davie had been dead for at least 24 hours when we saw him in that cabin. And he didn’t put that syringe here either.”
“So what are you thinking? Flush him out?” JJ looked worried. “That’s not always smart.”
“Look, he has been killing for fifteen years or more and no one has even noticed. He has buried 29 women, worked in several states, and not one time have any reports of these women been linked together. To tell the truth, if those hikers had not wandered off the path we would probably have never found those bodies. So we have to get him to mess up. The best way to do that is make him mad enough to come out of hiding.”
“Okay, I can live with that, but you do realize he’s already picked out his next victim, you, because you stole his property.” JJ smiled as she looked at her friend.
“Fine, maybe he’ll get lucky. I could use the peace and quiet. Now we have to come up with a plan and it has to stay between us.”
“So not only are you breaking your own rules by playing cat and mouse with a serial killer, but you are going to alienate the rest of the team and all of your sisters?” JJ threw up
her hands. “Great, I’m in. What do we do first?”
“Tomorrow is Adam’s funeral. I know Mom will want everyone to go back to the farm afterward. I want you to go with them. I am going to stay at the cabin. When everyone goes to bed, you need to come back to the cabin. If I am right, I will have company.
“How can you be sure this killer will follow you?” JJ scoffed.
“He will not only follow. He will be on the plane with us.” Samantha reached into her jacket and pulled out the picture again.
“You think he is one of us?” JJ took the picture from Samantha.
“Think about it for a minute. He has to be able to move around the country unnoticed. He knows forensics. These women trusted him enough to have a drink with him or get in a car with him. He knows sedatives. And he knows how to keep his victims alive as long as he wants to play with them. He takes his time because he knows no one would believe he could do something like this. He works, he has a home, probably some family. As far as everyone knows, he is a great guy. But he never seems to be around for weekends or family and work events. He has military experience.” Samantha was staring into space.
“So basically he is a lot like you.” JJ laughed. “There isn’t anything you are trying to tell me, is there?”
“Funny, but true. That’s why I think he’s one of us. He is a weekend warrior that spends his time hunting.” Samantha stood up and walked across the room. “That picture is the key. It shows us his face. We need to make sure Kirkland puts that in the speech for Sheriff Taft.”
“Just suppose for a minute we don’t catch him or that he gets to you before I get back or any number of things go wrong. What next?” JJ was pulling out her phone to call Kirkland.
“Well, you know when he comes and tomorrow night we know where he will be. So what could go wrong?”
JJ laughed. “Oh, everything.”
Sam shrugged. “Well, if he gets lucky, make sure they bury me with Cody.”
Samantha walked to the bathroom and shut the door. She had to shower and pack.
Chapter 57
The Handyman stood close to the crowd. He could not wait to hear the magnificent Deputy Director Samantha Thomas tell how she had failed and the killer was on the loose. She couldn’t figure out how he had moved through town without being seen. How he took what and who he wanted and no one could stop him. But, he could stop. Just as soon as he got his 31. That wasn’t too much to ask. He would have Samantha and do whatever he wanted. She would leave with him and they could travel the world free. He won and she knew it. The sheriff began his speech the same as every other he had ever heard. Blah, Blah, Blah.
But this speech was different.
Sheriff Taft continued. “With the help of the FBI, the killer known as The Handyman has been killed in a cabin about three miles from town. He and his accomplice were taken without further loss of life. There was evidence found that will help identify all of his victims and finally allow those families the closure they deserve. There were also other pictures proving the identity of The Handyman Killer. We are grateful to all the members of this investigation.”
The Handyman was furious. She’s lying to protect her precious reputation. I’ll prove she failed, he thought. I’ll be famous. 31 kills and never caught. No one has any idea who I am.
Chapter 58
It took less than an hour for the press conference and all of the goodbyes. The entire team was pack and on the plane shortly afterwards. It was quiet. No one was sure this case was over.
Samantha couldn’t tell if everyone was tired, thinking about the case, or dreading tomorrow. Or maybe all of the above. Samantha sat at the back of the plane. There were so many thoughts running through her head, she could hardly keep up with them. She felt sure she was sitting behind one of the most horrific killers of the century, but she was not sure which one of her friends he was. She could eliminate all of her sisters and JJ. But that still left three men she thought she knew.
She could only hope she could catch him. He had made it clear she was his last victim. But that didn’t mean he was retiring. He wanted to be killed at the top of his game.
Samantha was not afraid. Ever since she had lost Cody, she just didn’t care. Maybe that’s what gave her the edge.
“Hey, want some company?” Morgan was standing beside her, smiling.
“Sure, why not. I may not be very good company right now though.” Samantha smiled and moved over to let him sit down.
“So, how are you doing, Samantha?” Morgan’s grin widened into its most charming form.
He ran his hand down her thigh and then took hold of her hand. He smiled again and kissed her hand.
Samantha pulled her hand away and clasped her hands in her lap. “I’m fine, I guess, you?”
“What are your plans now?”
“Same as always, go home and wait for the next thing to go wrong.”
“Yes, but now you are the Deputy Director of the FBI, you don’t have to worry about what happens next.” Morgan looked around the plane.
“Yes, I guess you’re right. I still have lots to do. But what about you? Have you changed your mind about working with Team One?”
“I am not sure anymore, Samantha. Maybe it would be nice to be close all the time. We could travel together. Maybe even live together. What would you think of that?”
“Morgan, that’s a big change. Why?” Samantha turned towards Morgan and studied his face.
Morgan just smiled and turned in his seat.
Samantha did not push. She had too many other things on her mind. It was going to be a long weekend.
Chapter 59
The plane landed three long hours after leaving Forrest Ranch.
Samantha was tired. She wasn’t looking forward to seeing Daniel or her mother. She got off the plane last. She watched everyone walk slowly to thru the terminal. She wanted a cold beer and a bed. But before all that, she had to settle everyone. So what do I want to do? she thought.
Her team started to gather around the doors. Samantha walked faster to catch up.
“I want to thank all of you for the good work you’ve done. I also want to let each of you know that you are not required to stay and go to the funeral with the family tomorrow. Since the killer is dead, I won’t need additional eyes on me for protection. But, if anyone wants to stay, there is plenty of room and you are all welcome.” Samantha looked at each member of the team.
Kirkland was the first to comment. “Thank you, Deputy Director. I will be staying.”
The rest of the family smiled.
“I have a good idea. Let’s all go to the cabin and decide later.” Lisa led the way to the cars waiting outside.
JJ walked over to Samantha. “You still think we have company?”
“Yes, I know we do.” Samantha stared straight ahead. “This is going to be the longest week of my life. I hope I am wrong just once. “
Samantha and JJ got to the cars last. They got into the car with Morgan and Kirkland.
“I’ll drive.” Morgan smiled as he took the keys from the valet.
Morgan led the way out of the parking lot. He knew which way to go.
No one seemed to want to talk. There was nothing really to say.
Samantha stared out her window. For the first time, Chicago seemed new to her. The buildings and streets seemed unfamiliar.
Morgan turned onto the street leading out of town. The hospital was on that street. Samantha didn’t want to look at it. She closed her eyes, but she still knew when they drove past it.
She tried to focus on where she was going instead of where she’d been. Only 20 more miles and they would be out of town and at the cabin.
“Samantha, is there anywhere we need to stop before we leave town?” Morgan looked in the rear view mirror.
“No, Karen is supposed to have everything we need. Unless there is something special we need?” Samantha didn’t turn her head.
“Good, then we should arrive in about half an hour.” Mor
gan stared at her.
The trees started getting larger and closer together. The cabin was close. Morgan turned off the main road.
Samantha took a deep breath. This road was not unfamiliar. She could remember running down this road after school with her sisters and her brother. Their mother was always waiting at the end. All of them would be so excited to see Mom. But not today. Samantha wished she did not have to see her today. Not like this. Not again.
All three cars pulled up to the house. They all got out and stretched.
Just as she thought, Mom was waiting.
It seemed to take forever to get all of the introductions made and everyone into the house.
Daniel and Karen were inside. Daniel looked worn and old. They had made an early dinner for everyone.
Despite the sorrow in this gathering, Samantha liked watching all the hustle and bustle of everyone running around, eating and talking. It made her feel at home.
After a few hours, the back porch filled with all the members of the Thomas family. It was time to discuss the arrangements. No one wanted to start.
Karen spoke first. “Are all of your friends, I mean co-workers, staying for the services? If so we need to make up the guest rooms.”
“I think everyone is staying. Don’t worry about that. Is there anything left we need to do for tomorrow? Flowers, anything?” Samantha wanted to look at her brother but resisted. She couldn’t take the sadness in his eyes.
“No, Sam, we’ve taken care of everything we possibly can.” Karen looked at the ground.
Sam sighed. There was nothing left to say and nobody wanted to say it anyway.
One by one they turned and went back inside.
It only took a few minutes for them to all file down the halls and up the stairs. Samantha went to her old familiar room. She threw her bag on the floor beside her bed. She just wanted to go to sleep and for tomorrow to be over. The entire family wanted tomorrow over. She walked over and sat down on her bed. Samantha looked around her old room. Nothing had changed. She slipped off her jacket and flung it across a nearby chair. She bent over to pull of her shoes when someone knocked at the door. Samantha sighed and walked over to the door. She pulled it open to find Morgan standing in the hall.