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Alliance Page 18

  There’s nothing he wouldn’t give to take back that day. Why couldn’t he have had the driver pick up Adam? It wasn’t his fault. It was the earth-shattering stupidity of that daycare worker. And his wife’s insanity. But still, he had failed to protect Adam with that one decision.

  He had to get away from here. He’d go back home to the farm. Mom needed the help and maybe he could find peace there. The mayor told him to take as much time as he needed. His job was safe, but Daniel didn’t know if he could ever prosecute again. His whole life was gone.

  He hoped Samantha found Amanda and made her pay. She deserved to die for taking his boy. Just like the man that took Sam’s son deserved to die. The funeral was Saturday. If he lived long enough to get there, he was not sure he would live afterwards. But he knew he did not want to live without his boy.

  Karen walked out to the porch. She was holding a suitcase. “Time to get going. We’ll go to the farm with Mom.”

  Without saying a word, Daniel wheeled around and headed for the car.

  Joe was coming up the walkway.

  “Dear God, Joe, can’t you go away.” Daniel was still crying.

  “Sorry, Daniel, but I need to know something.” Joe pulled out his notebook.

  “What, for God’s sake? What do you want to know?”

  Joe smiled as he looked up at Daniel. “Did you have anything to do with the kidnapping of Amanda?”

  Karen walked in front of Daniel and up to Joe. She slapped his face. “Joe, you are as much of a sadist as any killer I have ever heard of. You know he was in ICU and almost died with his boy. He didn’t have time to plan a kidnapping.”

  Joe rubbed his face, still smiling. “So you are saying it was just Samantha. She had plenty of time, and she was overheard saying she was going to make Amanda pay for shooting Daniel.”

  Daniel walked up to Joe and looked him in the eye. “I’m not even going to grace that with a reply. Stop pushing me, Joe.” Daniel stood at least five inches taller than Joe, and he glared down at him. “I will make you my mission in life if you don’t leave my family alone. You got your son killed and probably my wife because of your incompetence. Stay away from me.” Daniel pushed past Joe and headed for the car.

  Karen stopped as she was walking past him. “I wish it was you being buried Saturday. I swear I would spit on your grave.” They got in the car and drove away.

  A few miles down the road Daniel finally spoke. “You know he is going to try to ruin Samantha. Especially since she is Deputy Director now. Maybe he’ll be the next to disappear, if we’re lucky.”

  Chapter 47

  Kirkland walked into the sheriff’s office to find everyone assembled. Something was going on, Kirkland thought.

  The sheriff walked up to him. “Davie is gone. He escaped sometime yesterday evening. The deputy went to give him supper and Davie got the jump on him.”

  “Do we have any idea how long he’s been on the run?” Kirkland looked around.

  “Well,” the sheriff said, shrugging, “I guess it would’ve been dinner time.”

  “And when would that be?”


  “Okay, thank you, Sheriff.”

  Kirkland analyzed every face in front of him. They looked terrified. They think the worst killer ever just escaped, he thought.

  Kirkland wasn’t going to dissuade them.

  Kirkland left the sheriff’s office. He drove over to the hotel, hoping Samantha and the rest had left something to indicate where they were. Samantha was adamant that she wanted no one knowing.

  Kirkland could see the coroner’s van still parked in front of the room. The coroner was still processing the two dead FBI agents. Kirkland drove past the hotel and headed the car out of town. “They can’t be that hard to find.” He drove in the direction of the dump site. He knew there were cabins that way. That is how the hikers stumbled onto the first bodies.

  He needed to find her and tell her. Samantha’s plan wouldn’t work now. Davie was gone. Unless he was stupid, he had left town and wouldn’t be leading them to the Handyman.

  He drove for almost an hour when he came up on a road not far from the dump site. He drove slowly. He could see a cabin standing alone. There were lights on in the cabin and there was the team’s black SUV.

  He pulled up behind the SUV. He got out of the car and looked around. Pulling his pistol, he went to the door. He knocked and waited.

  The door opened. It was JJ.

  Kirkland put his pistol back into the holster.

  “What are you doing here?” JJ stepped aside and let Kirkland in.

  The team emerged from their rooms with confused looks on their faces.

  Samantha was the first to speak. “Let me guess, Davie is dead.”

  Kirkland walked over to sit on the couch. “Don’t know, but he is gone. He escaped a few hours ago.”

  “Great, that was our only way of catching this monster.” JJ threw up her hand and sat beside Kirkland.

  Samantha was silent. She folded her arms and stared out the window. She knew this was by no means over.

  “What are you thinking, Sam?” Lisa asked, joining her sister by the window.

  “We have to draw this guy out. Give him a reason to show his face again. We have to do it fast. With Davie out of the picture, he can leave and start over somewhere else. He needs a reason, and a target.” Samantha turned. “We have to make him come after me and then make a mistake.”

  Chapter 48

  “You really think that is a good idea, Sam? Diane asked. “This guy already has a thing for you. Remember you’re his 31.”

  “So far we have played by his rules. Let’s make a few of our own. Make him follow us. Davie will show up dead, and when he does we will hold a press conference and tell the world that The Handyman killer is dead. Then we pack up and go back to Chicago.” Sam smiled.

  “But we don’t really leave, right?” Cameo joined the conversation.

  “Wrong, we do leave. Then he will follow,” Samantha continued. “The funeral is Saturday. He gave us two days to find him. He knows we’re leaving. He knows all about us, each of us. He knows FBI procedure. He knows how the BAU works. He knows exactly how to play each piece of the puzzle.”

  “You know who he is, don’t you?” Kirkland sat up and folded his hands.

  “I know his type, and I know how to catch him, too. We have to take him away from here. He is comfortable here. We need to take that away from him. We have to take his control. That is the one thing this man relies on, control.” Samantha folded her arms, tapping one finger against her arm as she thought. “JJ, didn’t you say there were other cabins around here like this one?”

  “Yes, the man at the realty office said there was about a dozen he used for tourists. This was the biggest.” JJ sat beside Samantha.

  “Get your hiking boots on, ladies, we are going hunting. Kirkland, you and Cameo get back to town and find that tunnel or shaft or whatever it is. We’re going to flush him out.” Samantha stood up and walked to her room. “Tomorrow will be his last day. One way or another.”

  Chapter 49

  Dee found Davie sleeping in the tunnel. Stupid drunk, he thought.

  Davie was awakened by a noise. He opened his eyes to find Dee sitting cross the shaft from him. He jumped up. “Hey man, you scared the life out of me. What are you doing down here? I didn’t know you were coming too. I think Morgan is at the cabin still.”

  “No, Davie, the question is what are you doing here? You are supposed to be in jail. I told you, you were going to bring Samantha to me. You messed up.” Dee was holding his hunting knife.

  “Look man, I had to get out of that cell. You know I can’t stand small places. Besides, that stupid whore left town. Her and all of them. They left.” Davie moved away from him.

  “Yes, they left town but they aren’t gone. They would have followed you and Samantha would have been mine. You messed up.” Dee stood and walked over to Davie.

  “How do you know that
is what they would have done?” Davie held up his hands.

  “Because, that is standard flanking procedure. Remember, just like in Afghanistan when we were hunting. You always let the rabbit out of the cage to catch the fox. Now, how are you going to fix this? I have to have Samantha. She is mine. Now I have to change the plan. I gave you two days. You could not give me just two days.” The Handyman turned towards Davie. He walked over and put his arm around his neck. He held him tight. The Handyman looked him in the eyes and plunged his large hunting knife into Davie’ abdomen. Davie fell against the wall. He pushed the knife deeper into his guts.

  He put his hand over his mouth. “SHHHH.”

  His eyes glazed over as he watched Bob Davie fall dead at his feet. “Two days, was that too much to ask? Now I have to figure out another way of getting Samantha.” Davie laid on the floor at Dee’s feet. “I don’t like change, Bob. You should know that by now.”

  He began to kick Davie, harder and harder. “You are just like everyone else. You can’t do anything right. Samantha, she is the only one that matters. Just me and Samantha. Little brother can’t have her. Just wait, we will be together forever, and all of you idiots will die.” He walked to the end of the tunnel and turned. “Now, another present for Sam. She is going to like this one. But where do I want you?” He leaned against the wall of the tunnel, watching Bob’s blood run down the tunnel and trying to decide where to put Davie’ body.

  “Ah, yes I know. Right where you belong.” The Handyman bent down and picked you David under the arms. He dragged him to the edge of the tunnel. There was a rope. He hoisted David out of the tunnel and slid him into his car. “Now we have to wait until dark. Then you are going home.” The Handyman walked over to the side of his car. He was satisfied that he would still have the love of his life, his 31. Samantha would be his soon. Finally, his life was going to be perfect.

  Chapter 50

  Everyone walked out of the cabin. They all checked their weapons one more time before heading away from the cabin.

  “JJ, you lead. You know where we’re going, right?” Samantha motioned for JJ to move in front of the team.

  JJ walked ahead without speaking.

  They followed JJ. JJ walked over to where the trail started. All the cabins were supposed to be close to the trail. They walked for half an hour before they came up on the first cabin. It was empty.

  They walked for hours, going through cabin after cabin.

  They came upon the last cabin. It was empty as well. It hadn’t been used for several years. The roof had caved in and the windows broken out. There were several miles between the last two cabins. The porch was still in fine condition. The team sat down on the steps. It was hot.

  JJ followed Sam into the cabin to look around. This was probably a beautiful place at one time. She noticed the walls and floors were hardwood. The part of the ceiling that was still standing had a chandelier hanging from a huge beam. It was a combination of antlers and brass. Not her style but for the woods it was okay.

  Sam tried to take a sip of water, but she was out. They were all out of water.

  “I’ll go find some.” JJ stepped off the porch and walked around the side to find water. There had to be a stream or river somewhere around here. JJ walked for several hundred feet. It was quiet. She hoped she didn’t run into a bear or something. She stood still listening. The wind was not even stirring.

  She could hear water. JJ pulled her pistol and walked towards the sound. The brush was thicker. There was no trail. She walked several more yards. The brush opened up to a clearing. There was a small stream. She was so hot, she walked down and put her face in the cold water. She held it there for several seconds. The water felt good on her skin.

  She lifted her head and looked up and down the stream. She knew it wasn’t too smart letting her guard down and being alone out here. But they were truly out in the boonies. She could chance it.

  Something caught her eye across the stream. It was another cabin. There was smoke coming from the chimney. She got up off her knees and squatted down. JJ moved back to the taller grass. She watched the front door for several minutes. There was no movement. JJ looked up and down the stream again. There was a small bridge not far away from her. She moved quietly, staying low to the ground. She couldn’t see any vehicles. She put her pistol away and crossed the bridge. The bridge brought her close to the lower side of the cabin.

  JJ hunkered down and moved across the small field to the window. She raised up and peered into the window. At first, she couldn’t see anything. She decided to try to move to another window. The window was in a large room. She could see a bed and a small table beside it.

  Amanda, there was Amanda Thomas. She was tied to the bed. JJ couldn’t tell if she was alive or dead. There was blood everywhere. The small table had pliers, cutters, wire and tape laying out. There was someone lying in the floor. It was Bob Davie. Samantha was right. He was dead. She tried to raise herself higher to see into the adjoining room. There was a third body. It was wrapped in something like a rug.

  JJ decided she had to go and get Samantha and the others. She turned to leave.

  “Hello JJ, you found me. That’s too bad. You’re early.” He hit JJ as hard as he could. She fell to the ground unconscious. He hit her over and over.

  “Everyone wants to mess up mine and Samantha’s plans. They are all in a hurry. We can’t have that now, can we? Now we have to get rid of all my property. And all of you, too. Me and Samantha, that is all that matters.” The Handyman left JJ lying beside the house.

  He walked inside the cabin. “Well, let’s leave a surprise for Sam and her sisters.” He walked to the bedroom and cut Amanda loose. He threw her over his shoulders.

  She moaned. She was tried to fight but had no strength.

  “Ha, don’t worry. Samantha will take care of you soon.” He laughed as he walked out of the cabin to the SUV. He dropped Amanda on the ground and opened the back. He pulled out the large rug that he had used to wrap up the homeless man he picked up the night before. He carried him into the cabin and laid him next to Bob, his longtime army buddy. He grabbed a gas can and poured gas over the bodies and the bed. He poured a trail to the chimney in the front room. Pulling the cover off the fireplace, he sat the gas can inside. He took cloth and soaked it in oil, wrapping twine around it. Shoving the cloth into the chimney, he draped the twine down to the gas can. He lit the cloth soaked in oil.

  Smiling, he placed the cover back on the fireplace. He didn’t close it all the way. “Just enough. You need some air. Surprise, Samantha.” He walked out of the cabin. Amanda had tried to crawl away. She only got a few feet. “Good girl. You are still trying to stay alive for Samantha. I know she will appreciate that. But, no need to exercise. You won’t live long enough to see any results. Hahaha, I knew you were the right one to be my number 30.”

  He knelt beside Amanda and laughed. “You are perfect for Samantha.” He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back to the SUV.

  Amanda could not fight anymore. “Kill me. Just kill me.” She balled up her fist and tried to hit him. She had lost so much blood and was starved for food and water.

  The Handyman hated her. She hurt his Samantha and she killed her own baby. He was doing the world a favor getting rid of her. She was worse than all the rest of his property. But she was still his. They all deserved to die. He had to kill them. It was the only way to save them. Like he was saving Amanda. He put them in his family cemetery. He took care of them. None of them had ever had that before. They had been tossed away. Because they were so bad. He made them better. He gave them a way out and made them his family. He threw Amanda in the SUV. “They just don’t understand.”

  Chapter 51

  Samantha walked to the porch. “We need to get going. It’ll start getting dark soon. I don’t want to be out here after dark. Cameo and Kirkland should be back soon. I hope they found that tunnel. Where is JJ?!” Samantha stepped off the porch, looking around.

he went around the cabin a few minutes ago to find water.” Lisa rose from the steps. “I’ll help you find her.” She walked around the side of the cabin.

  Sam heard Lisa yelling for JJ, but there was no reply.

  Lisa ran back to the porch. “Guys, she’s not here.”

  Everyone jumped up and mobilized at the back of the cabin.

  Samantha was furious. “She knows better than this.”

  “She can’t be far. She is not that stupid,” Diane said.

  Lisa squatted near the high grass. “Look, the grass is laid down this way. She went through here.”

  The trio pulled their weapons and walked towards the trodden grass. After several minutes, Samantha stopped. She put her pistol away. “I hear water. There must be a river nearby. I bet that’s where she is. I’m going to drown her when I find her.”

  The rest chuckled. “Remind me again why I agreed to work with you?” Lisa laughed and turned to Diane.

  “You mean, she actually asked you?” Diane was laughing, too.

  Samantha looked at her sisters.

  “Oooh, the look. We got the look, Di,” Lisa said.

  Without saying another word, Sam shook her head and started walking again.

  They found the water, but no JJ.

  Diane and Lisa became somber.

  Sam’s voice had a hard edge of concern and anger in it. She had a bad feeling. “Diane, you go up stream and Lisa you go down. Only about five hundred yards.” Samantha was scanning the water for JJ. “Or we could all just cross that bridge.” Samantha walked towards the bridge.

  “Wait, Sam. Look there is another cabin. It looks like smoke from the chimney.” Lisa crouched down, pulling her sisters.

  “Okay, let’s go see who’s home.” Samantha pulled her Glock from its holster again.

  With weapons drawn, they crossed the bridge. They came to the lower side of the cabin. Samantha motioned for Diane and Lisa to go around back. She went to the front door. Samantha could see the door cracked. She pushed it open with her gun. She walked inside. The place smelled of blood and rotten flesh. This was definitely the cabin The Handyman used.