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Page 16

  Morgan stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror. He was pleased with the way he looked. No wonder women flocked to him. Especially Samantha. She was special. She was strong, confident and beautiful. He liked strong women. They were a challenge. He loved breaking strong women and showing them just how weak they really were. He ran his hands over his chest and down each arm. The feel of his skin made him smile. He could almost feel Samantha’s body against his. Soon he would show her how strong he really was.

  Chapter 39

  Samantha stood in front of the evidence board. She stared at each picture. Most had no face. They were just bones. She walked all the way down looking over each of them. She could feel them begging for help. She reached the picture of Sarah. She had known this girl. Her eyes peered back at her. She was an innocent girl. She never had a chance. Somehow she had found herself 3000 miles away and dead. She had come full circle in only 20 some years.

  Sam’s mind was clouded with all the problems circling around her. She knew the Handyman picked them up traveling from Nevada, Arizona to California. And he had made at least on trip further east to get Sarah. He was good looking, polite and knew a little about forensics and police procedure. He liked control. He liked to demean women. Now he had made it personal, a challenge. Well, she accepted.

  JJ walked into the room. “Davie is awake. Do you want to try getting something out of him?”

  “Get me everything you can find on him. And bring him to the interrogation room.” Samantha walked over to the door. JJ followed. Davie was not the Handyman but he knew who he was. He could describe his face. That would give them an edge. He was a cop. Or worse, he was FBI. He had military experience. Someone in this town knew him.

  She had two and a half days to find this monster and stop him.

  Samantha walked to the front of the sheriff’s office. She looked inside to find the sheriff sitting at his desk and holding his head. This was probably the worst thing he had ever seen. Samantha walked into the office.

  The sheriff looked up. His face was haggard.

  “Sheriff Taft, I can understand this is overwhelming, but all we can do is catch him. What can you tell me about Davie?”

  Sheriff Taft looked up at Samantha. “I want this man’s head on a platter. He has ruined this town.” He stood up and went to the filing cabinet. “The only thing I know about Davie is that he’s been arrested for public intoxication a couple of times. His grandparents had some land and a small house around here somewhere. He stays to himself, mostly. He is just a drunk.”

  “Just a drunk who happened to talk to the most prolific killer in this century. Just happened to bring body parts from one of the Handyman’s victims. This man is either the stupidest person alive or he knows our killer. There are no coincidences in life sheriff.” Samantha looked confident.

  JJ walked to the sheriff’s window and motioned for Samantha to come out.

  “You are not going to believe this, Sam. Davie is military, Special Forces. Army Ranger. He was a sniper. He served two tours in Afghanistan before coming back to the States. His parents are dead and he has no siblings. Can you say bingo?” JJ handed the file to Samantha. “He is the perfect for these killings.”

  “Yep, he is the perfect person, too perfect. The man doing these killings has a lot of experience and has had a lot of time to perfect his skill. He is not a drunk. But Davie is apparently the perfect patsy. Let’s see what he has to say.” Samantha walked in front of JJ to the interrogation room.

  Bob was sitting with his forehead resting on the table.

  Samantha and JJ walked in the room without a word. Samantha laid the file on the table and sat down. JJ walked to the other side and sat beside her. Samantha opened the file and began to read the information to Bob. When she finished she looked up. “So killing 29 women would not be a difficult transition for you.”

  Bob began to laugh. “You’re so stupid. He’s not done. I didn’t kill any of them. But I know who did. He’s coming for you, Samantha Thomas, Madam Deputy Director. And when he gets you, you will be his best work yet.” Bob threw his head back laughing. “You will never find him, but he will find you. Soon, Samantha, soon.” Bob reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. “This is number thirty. You have two days to find her.”

  Samantha took the paper from him. There was a single name written on the paper. “Amanda Thomas.” Samantha slowly put her hands on the table. “Do yourself a favor, Bob, tell me where she is now and it will save you a lot of pain. “

  “Don’t act tough with me. We all know that’s what you wanted. You want her to die and badly. Now take me back to my cell. I have nothing else to say.” Bob stood up and walked to the door. “Remember, Samantha, you have to find her. And you have two days.” Bob smiled.

  Samantha got up and walked over to Bob. Without saying a word, she grabbed him by the hair and threw him to the floor. She stepped on his back and bent down to his face. Grabbing his hair, she pushed his head into the floor. “Listen to me, you psychotic loser. Don’t think for one minute that you call the shots. I want a name. Tell me his name and where to find him.” Samantha pushed his head down harder.

  Bob began to fight and curse. “I will never tell you anything. He’ll make you pay.”

  Samantha picked up his head and slammed it on the floor. Bob lost consciousness. Samantha stood and stormed out of the room. She ran down the hall, yelling. “Kirkland, where are you?”

  Everyone came running from all over the office.

  Kirkland came running. “Deputy Director, we just got a phone call. I need to speak with you.”

  “Okay, everyone, let’s listen. Our Mr. Davie says the Handyman has taken another victim and this one we all know. He has taken Amanda Thomas. We have two days to find her before he kills her.” Samantha looked around at her team. “No Thomas can work on this case. I need all of the original Quantico team on the plane now to Chicago. “

  Kirkland handed Samantha his notebook. “Wait, Samantha, you have to hear this. Amanda Thomas was taken while being transported by two FBI agents. She was being moved from the FBI holding cell to the psychiatric hospital just outside Chicago. We have two dead agents.”

  Sam looked in the notebook. She handed it back to him. “There is no way one man could have killed two agents and kidnapped a psychotic woman. Find out if we can nail down a timeline for Davie. Go back one week. Get Team Two on the plane to Chicago. Remember, no one from my family touches even a piece of paper on Amanda. Lisa, call Karen and find out about her and Dennis. See what they know. Nail it down quick.” Samantha motioned for JJ to follow her outside. “JJ, this man knows me. There is more to this. We have been played from the beginning. Davie is the key to finding this killer. He said we have two days to find Amanda, and there are two days until we bury Adam. This killer is planning on a big ending, in two days. Find a place, quiet and out of the way. We have to come up with a plan to catch him and protect everyone else. Tell everyone to get their stuff and get them out of here.”

  “Samantha, sending them away is not the best idea.” JJ whispered. “It’s easy to watch them if they’re close. Besides you need them.”

  “Get Lisa, Diane, and Cameo and send everyone else to Chicago with Kirkland. Put a detail on them along with Daniel, Karen, and Mother. I want Kirkland with them. The rest of us have two days to kill this sadistic creep and all of his friends.” Samantha was angry. She was determined not to bury another family member.

  “What about Amanda?”

  “As far as I’m concerned, she is collateral damage. Besides, he’s probably already killed her. He thinks I’ll look harder, trying to save her. I’m going to the motel to get my stuff. Find a place quick.” Samantha moved away from JJ.

  “Deputy Director, wait. There’s something else.” Kirkland stood in front of Samantha. “The two agents’ bodies are missing.”

  Samantha put her hands on her hips. “How do we know they’re dead?”

  Kirkland read
from his notepad. “They’re saying that the amount of blood could not be from just one person. It had to be from at least two.”

  “What do we know about the agents?”

  Kirkland shook his head. “Honestly, not much. They were new. They were transferred from Kansas or something. I’m not sure yet.”

  “Find out everything about them. And for now, assume they are part of this. We can’t afford to screw this up.” Samantha walked back into the office. She picked up her jacket and walked out of the office.

  Chapter 40

  He pulled his black SUV behind the cabin like he had done at least thirty times before. The thoughts of what was waiting for him inside made him smile. The Handyman was very pleased with himself. His last possession was his best and most important. Amanda would bring him and the love of his life together. Samantha Thomas. He had meet her almost five years ago. He knew as soon as he saw her, she was the one. He was willing to set his entire life aside to be with her. She would be his 31. The perfect number. He had taken more women than any other collector he knew. Everything was going just as he wanted. His plan was set. He was so excited. Thirty women in Forrest Ranch, and never one hint they were connected. Just missing, wandering, worthless women. They didn’t deserve to live anyway. He decided who lived and who died. He made them matter, he gave them a family. Made them his property.

  He got out of the SUV and ran up to the porch. He jumped over the steps like a school boy. The anticipation made his heart flutter. He slung the door open. “Honey I am home. Are you ready? I am.” He walked over to Amanda. “Do you realize that you are my most prized possession? You will get me Samantha. She doesn’t know it yet, but we are just alike. She wants you dead. I am going to give her that. It’s the best gift. You killed her nephew and shot her brother. She hates you. I’m going to let her kill you. Isn’t that perfect? Then she’s mine. We can do anything together. She’s very strong and smart. Not to mention beautiful and ruthless. You will help her transition to the next level with me. We’ll travel the world doing anything we want and no one can stop us. No one would ever suspect the Deputy director of the FBI and her Executive Assistant.”

  Amanda moaned against the gag and rocked in her chair.

  He stood up and walked over to her, pulling her head back. “See, I thought I would always be alone. But now after Samantha kills you, we will be together always. We will have the best kind of alliance. Doesn’t that make you shiver?”

  He pushed her head away. “Besides, you are a baby killer. You don’t deserve to live. You know, I bet Samantha will have a good time making you scream. I hope you last long enough. That’s why I haven’t made you mine like all the rest. You are for Samantha. But there is nothing that says we can’t have a little fun before she gets here.”

  He walked to the table behind Amanda and picked up his wire cutters. He had already removed her fingers and sent them to Samantha. It was her first present. He walked around Amanda, stalking her.

  Amanda’s eyes followed him. Her body was shaking all over.

  “Now let’s see. What else can we send Samantha. She needs more clues. We have to make her excited to see you.” He ran the cutters down her shirt. He cut her shirt open and pulled it apart. “These won’t do. He walked back to the table and grabbed his hunting knife. Amanda began to scream as he showed her the knife. He smiled as he slid the knife into her skin between her breast. He cut slowly down and around her breast. Amanda screamed.

  Her head lolled to one side.

  He slapped her hard. “Wake up, baby killer. We’re still having fun.” He grabbed a bottle of beer and poured it down her face and chest. Amanda sputtered against the gag. Her eyes narrowed with hate. She thrust her face towards him. He had to sit on her legs to keep her from falling over. “Wow, you are a wild one. This is fun isn’t it? Just wait until Samantha gets here.” He stood up laughing. He pushed her head back. He forced the knife against her head and slit off her ear. He took a mouth full of beer and spit it on the bleeding skin. He stood up and walked away from her.

  He was angry.

  Amanda thrust herself back and forth over and over. She flipped her chair over onto the floor. Her maimed hand hit first. She threw herself around, rolling back and forth. She tried to slam her head against the floor. The Handyman grabbed her arm and pulled her upright. “Oh no. You die when Samantha says, not until.” He laughed. “You are crazy. I’ll give you that. You’re not playing there.” He threw the empty beer bottle across the floor. “Now let’s have some more fun. He pulled the chair over to the bed. “You need something to drink. Then we can have more fun.” He pulled the gag aside, grabbed a water bottle, and held it to her mouth.

  She filled her mouth and spit it in his face.

  “Oh, I like that.” He grabbed the bottle and shoved it into her mouth. He pinched her nose.

  She had to drink. She gulped and gulped the water.

  “Now that’s better, not too much. We don’t want you to get sick.” He replaced the gag. He laughed and pulled a chair across from her.

  He sat down, “Wow, I am tired. You are a fighter.”

  Amanda’s eyelids fluttered shut. She passed out.

  The Handyman pulled her out of the chair and laid her in the bed. He could take his time. He took the knife and slowly cut off her clothes. He walked to the small closet in the back of the room. He opened the door and bent down. He pulled up a small plank in the floor under piles of cloth. Underneath was a camera and a scrapbook. He pulled both from the floor and walked over to the table.

  This was one of the best parts. He could remember every woman he had brought here. All of them were special. He remembered all of their names. Their hair color, eye color and how good they were. Some were very bad. He had a lot of fun with those. He picked up the roll of wire and went over to pose Amanda. She didn’t count. She was a gift for Samantha. He knew this would make her happy. It took 30 women to find the perfect one, Samantha. It excited him to think of her. All of the rest had been leading up to her. His perfect 31. More women than any collector. He tied the wire tight around her wrist and ankles. He made sure it dug deep into her skin. It had to be tight and firm. He took picture after picture. He brushed and combed her hair. “To the left, more to the left. It has to be perfect. Just like Autumn.” She was his first. He took more pictures. Then he walked to the table and sat, turning the pages of his scrapbook. It was heavy. He put one large picture in the middle and smaller ones around. He took fingernails and hair and taped them to the pictures.

  He opened the book at the beginning. Autumn, beautiful Autumn. She was the first. He had to share her, but she was still his. She was buried in another special place. The new place was more private and closer to the cabin. He could spend more time with each of them. He closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair. He took a deep breath. He could smell her perfume. Her hair smelled so clean. Her skin was dark brown, soft and smooth. He was only 21. She was supposed to be his one and only.

  He was so tired. It had been a long day. You couldn’t tell he had taken a shower a few hours ago. He got up from the table and put his scrapbook in the floor. He removed the film from his camera and replaced the plank. He pulled the cloth back over the hole and stood. He took a deep breath and closed the door. Returning to the bed, he checked the wires around Amanda’s wrist and ankles. Then he walked from the room. He had a small cot in the adjacent room. He sat down hard. He swung his legs onto the bed and put his arms behind his head. “A few hours, just a few hours of rest. Then I’ll be ready.” He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Chapter 41

  Samantha’s mind was racing. How could this have happened? She had to get her sisters and her away from town. They needed a quiet place to think and plan. She walked out of the sheriff’s office and headed down the street to the hotel. JJ was getting everyone so they could leave together. She was vigilant while she walked, making sure to look around often. It seemed as if every car had been moved out of town. The entire street was dese

  Samantha arrived at the hotel. She had put her bag in the last room on the ground floor. She fumbled in her pockets to find her room key. She walked up to the door. It was open. Samantha flipped the strap open on her holster and quietly pulled her pistol. She pushed the door open. She stepped inside. Looking side to side, she scanned the room. The cover was pulled back on the bed. The sheets were covered in blood. “You’re my 31” was written above the bed. Samantha slowly moved to the bathroom. The mirror was smashed. There were towels in the floor. Samantha bent down and touched them. They were wet. She picked one of the towels up. There was a box laying under it. She pushed it around. It was almost floating in blood. there was a trail leading from the towels to the shower. Samantha stood up and walked to the shower. The shower door was closed and wet. Samantha slid the door open. There were two bodies in the shower.

  Samantha took a deep breath and walked out of the room. She closed the door behind her and began to walk around the end of the motel. It was quiet. She grabbed her phone from her jacket and called JJ. “Slight change of plans, JJ. Get over to my hotel room and bring Lisa and Diane. Tell them to bring their kit. I think I just found our two missing FBI agents.” Samantha closed her phone and leaned up against the hotel wall.

  She studied the streets, up and down, trying to notice anything of value. There was almost no movement. Any stranger would have to be noticed by someone.

  Samantha’s mind was racing. For the first time since she became an FBI agent, she felt like she was losing control.

  She saw someone out of the corner of her eye moving slowly along the edge of the hotel. It appeared to be a man. She watched him for a minute. He didn’t seem to be going anywhere. She called out to him. He turned his head towards her and smiled. He was just far enough away that she couldn’t make out much about him. He was tall, rough looking.