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Alliance Page 15

  “Let me up, you stupid whore. I am going to kill you. You’ll wish you were dead before I’m halfway through with you.”

  JJ pressed harder.

  His breathing became shallow. His arms fell down by his sides.

  The door flew open.

  “JJ, killing him was not part of the plan. Let him breathe.” Samantha walked to the center of the room. “NOW JJ.”

  JJ removed her foot and began to push Bob with it. “Get up. Threaten me again.”

  Bob began to move. He rolled over on his side and began to curse JJ.

  “I suggest you tell her what she wants to know and stop the profanity.” Samantha sat down and took out her notebook and pen.

  Bob got to his knees and sat back down in the chair. “I don’t know nothing. All I did was take the money and bring you the box.”

  “Yes, I can smell that you put the money to good use.” Samantha raised her head to look him in the eyes.

  “Screw you.” Bob sat down hard in the chair.

  JJ walked over to him and slapped him on the head again. “Be nice.”

  “Now for the last time. What did this man look like?” Samantha leaned forward looking Bob in the eyes. She was sure he was not the killer or his accomplice. But, he did have valuable information. He saw the man that had killed twenty-nine women. He was a drunk, no doubt, and probably hated women. But not a killer.

  “So this man who gave you the box. Did he tell you to deliver it a specific time or place?” Samantha folded her arms.

  “Look, I needed the money. He gave me a piece of paper with your name on it and told me where to find you. He handed me the hundred and walked away. I did not ask any questions. Now can I go?”

  “When did he give you the box and the hundred?” Samantha moved closer.

  “I don’t know. A few minutes before you clobbered me on the sidewalk. I need a drink. I don’t know anything.” Bob laid his head on the table.

  Samantha got up from the table and walked to the door. She motioned JJ to follow her. They were met in the hall by Max and CJ.

  “Take him back to the holding cell and let him sober up.” Samantha stepped aside so they could go into the room. They walked back into the conference room.

  “If Bob is right and our killer gave him that box just a few minutes before he came up to me; the Handyman is watching us. He wants to know what we know. He’s getting sloppy.” Samantha turned to JJ. “Did anyone see any reporters in that crowd?”

  Everyone looked at each other.

  One spoke up. “You know there was a reporter there for every town around here that has a paper. This has to be the biggest story ever.”

  “We need to find out. There are three days left before we have to be in Chicago. I want this wrapped up before then. I want this man in a body bag or behind bars. We need to make arrangements to move these bodies to Quantico and start narrowing down the evidence.” Samantha looked over at the massive amount of evidence on the board. “These bodies can’t tell us anymore. We need to get them identified and let the families have some peace. Kirkland, make arrangements to move them. Lisa, is your team capable of handling this without you?”

  ““I think so. With direction they’ll be fine.” Lisa walked over to Samantha. “But I think there’s more they can tell us then you think.”

  “Like what? We know how they were killed and that it was the same man. He has to have an accomplice. He has been doing this for years. And so on and so on.” Samantha was angry. “We have to narrow this down if we are going to catch him. And twenty-nine victims are twenty-nine to many. I want them identified. Go through missing persons for the last ten years at least.”

  Lisa nodded. “I understand what you’re saying, Sam, but we can find out a lot about this killer by examining these remains.”

  “We simply do NOT have time for all that. After we catch him you can study him for the next twenty years if you want. But for now, move on. I need you here. Right now.” Samantha turned to the rest of the team. “Okay, before we were interrupted, I gave everyone an assignment. I want those carried out now. We still have a killer to catch. Everyone remember that.” Samantha turned back to the board. “This SOB has ruined his last family.”

  Chapter 35

  “How are you feeling today, Daniel?” Karen walked into the hospital room.

  “I just want to get out of here.” Daniel was still very pale and sad. He couldn’t remember how long he had been in the hospital and still had no memory of exactly what had happened. How his son had died and who did it. Joe had come by several times and asked questions, but he just could not remember. He had been told that Clare, his mother-in-law, had been arrested along with his wife. It just didn’t seem real.

  “The doctor told me you’re going home today.”

  “Yeah.” Daniel sat in a wheelchair, facing the window. The trees were beautiful, dozens of colors. The grass was still green. The outside looked so beautiful. But he wished he couldn’t see it. He wanted to be dead like his boy. Tears started running down his face. Why did they have to save him and why could they not save his son? He hoped Clare and Amanda rotted in hell for this.

  The door to his room opened again. Daniel wheeled around. It was Joe, Samantha’s ex. Daniel had no love loss for him either, but for now he had to tolerate him. At least until Clare and Amanda were convicted.

  “Daniel, the doc tells me you can go home. Are you planning to go to your mom’s or the cabin?” Joe was never subtle. “Or maybe your house?”

  “Of course he’s not going back there.” Karen threw her coat on the bed. “Joe, do you always have to be so heartless? I don’t know what Samantha ever saw in you. We’ve just lost our nephew and almost our brother and here you are, asking questions like that.”

  Daniel turned towards Joe. “I thought the FBI took over this case. I believe Samantha is the Deputy Director and has made that call.”

  “Just thought I would help. You know, make sure the right people are in jail and stay there.” Joe put his hands on his hips.

  “Help?” Daniel’s jaw stiffened. “That’s not why you’re here. Surely you don’t think I shot my son and then myself. Or there was someone else there? Or are you just wanting to push Sam’s buttons again? Samantha and her team are handling this. Now, if you will excuse us.” Daniel asked Karen for his coat and motioned for Karen to wheel him out.

  They wheeled down the hall. Daniel was silent. He had hoped he would never leave here without his son. Unbidden tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision. The closer they got to the door, the worse it was for him. Karen patted his shoulder, but it didn’t help.

  Joe followed close behind. The three reached the entrance to the hospital. “There’s just one more thing I need to tell you, Daniel. Amanda is gone. You wouldn’t know where she would go?”

  “Why would I care?” Daniel continued to walk out of the hospital. The car was waiting outside. Daniel took a deep breath.

  No one was talking. There was nothing to say. They both got inside and pulled away from the hospital.

  Daniel looked over at Karen as they left the parking lot. “I want to see my boy. I want to see Adam.”

  Karen looked over at Daniel with tears in her eyes. Without saying a word, she turned the car towards the funeral home. She didn’t think she could go in and look at that tiny body again. She wanted to remember him playing in the yard and laughing. They did not speak for the rest of the trip. They only cried and held each other’s hand.

  Chapter 36

  “They found them all. All my girls. My set was almost complete. She took them away from me. She thinks she’s so smart. Deputy Director Samantha Thomas, you will pay for taking my property. I will make you pay.”

  The Handyman turned to Amanda. She was screaming. He had tied her to the bed. She had bruises and deep cuts all over her body. She had lost a lot of blood. The wires around her ankles were tight. They cut into her. She struggled to free her hands, but the wires only got tighter.

sp; Amanda screamed and cried as loud as she could when he came closer. That angered the Handyman. He stormed towards her without a sound. He grabbed the drop cloth in the floor and tore a piece from the end. He wrapped it around her head. He pulled the ends tight. She groaned. She pleaded with him to let her go. He pulled the cloth tighter. “You will send a message for me. Samantha needs to know I am in control. She has my property, and I want it back. You will tell her.”

  He walked over to the bed. He grabbed the wire cutters and grabbed her hand. He cut off each finger, one at a time.

  Amanda screamed.

  He slapped her hard and slammed her head against the bed.

  Her body went limp.

  “Stupid whore.” He took a bottle of water and threw it in her face.

  She sputtered and shook her head. He continued to pour the water in her face. She started to choke. He smacked her again and again. When his arm began to tire, he turned away and grabbed a cigarette. He lit it and turned back to Amanda. He grabbed her hand and put the cigarette to each finger. Amanda screamed until she passed out again.

  The Handyman picked up the fingers and dropped them into a plastic jug. He picked up the gas can and poured it into the jug. He sat them on the back of the table and walked from the room. He walked outside.

  It was a beautiful day for revenge. This one would die badly, but not as badly as Samantha Thomas. He breathed in the fresh air and smiled. He had spent the last fifteen years here in the woods with all of his women. He remembered every one of them. Especially his first. She was the best. She stayed with him for almost three months. She was a good girl. The others were fun. But no one measured up to Autumn. He had found her broken down on the side of the road on his way to the cabin.

  She trusted him. Who doesn’t trust a cop? Besides, he had one of those faces – good looking, clean cut and honest.

  But now it was all being taken away. His solitude and his family gone. All his work, Samantha had taken it all. She didn’t realize what she had done. Now he was angry and he wanted vengeance. She would be his best work. and his last in Forrest Ranch, California. He retrieved the jug from the house and walked back outside. He poured out the gasoline and set the fingers on fire. He knew Samantha would try to ID number 30, but he needed time. There were a lot of things he needed to get done before they found Amanda. She was special to him and Samantha.

  Chapter 37

  “Just what I wanted today. A brown box from a killer.” Diane put the box down on the table at the makeshift crime lab. She and Hannah removed the brown paper slowly and meticulously. There were no marks on the paper or the outside of the box. It seemed to be wet. The box itself seemed to have an odor. Gas, it smelled like gasoline.

  “What is that? Gasoline?” Hannah held her hands towards her nose. “Are you sure this thing won’t blow up?”

  They both looked at each other and chuckled. Diane grabbed a box cutter and slit the tape on the top of the box. The gas odor got stronger. Hannah pulled a light over towards them.

  “Oh my God.” Hannah backed away from the table.

  Diane pulled a plastic bag from the box. She laid it on the table and pulled a pair of tongs from the lower drawer. One by one she pulled four burnt fingers from the bag. The condition of the skin would prevent them from attaining fingerprints. They would gather DNA, but it would probably not be any help.

  This guy knew what he was doing, Hannah thought.

  She walked back to the box. There was something in the bottom. With one gloved hand, she gingerly pulled it out. It was a note addressed to Samantha. Written in all caps.












  YOU ARE MY 31.

  Diane peeked over Hannah’s shoulder. “What’s it say?”

  “Eh, normal BS for a killer. You will pay, you took my property, etc. But he went a little further. He blamed a specific person, Samantha. He’s going after her. And the letter says Samantha will be number 31. But there are only 29 victims.”

  Diane placed her hands on the table. “So who gets to tell Samantha the good news and bring her the love letter?”

  “Well, not me. You’re her favorite.” Hannah turned and walked away.

  Diane gathered all of the pieces from the box. “Okay, then you can get DNA from the fingers and make sure we didn’t miss any fingerprints on the box or wrapping. I’ll tell Samantha. The letter is the best chance for fingerprints. Check it twice.”

  Diane walked out of the morgue and started down the few blocks to the sheriff’s office. It was a beautiful day. Normally she would be enjoying such a day. This is the kind of day she’d be tempted to call off work and go hiking.

  She couldn’t believe she would be part of the FBI and working with Samantha and her sisters every day. That could be a good thing, but with her current job she could just take a day off anytime she wanted. If she stayed with the FBI, she’d be on the road a lot.

  Ah well, I’ll worry about it later, she thought. She noticed a car that seemed to be following her. She turned to look. It was a dark SUV. There was a man driving.

  She reached in her jacket for her cell. She had left it at the morgue. She looked ahead. There were only two more blocks to the sheriff’s office.

  The SUV came closer. Diane stopped and peered into the vehicle. It was Morgan. She relaxed and shook her head at Morgan. “Dang it, Morgan, you scared me. What are you doing?” She walked over to the SUV.

  Morgan smiled. He was dirty. It looked like he had blood on his hands. “Are you bleeding?”

  “I had a flat. I guess I cut my hand changing it.” His answers were curt. He seemed to be in a hurry.

  “Where are you going?”

  Morgan smiled at her. “I’ll catch up with you later.” He pulled away.

  Diane shrugged and continued to walk down the street. She walked into the sheriff’s office. It was quiet. Most of the deputies were gone.

  She entered the conference room. Samantha was sitting at the conference table. She was the only one there.

  “Am I interrupting?” Diane walked over to the table.

  “No, I’m just thinking.” Samantha looked up without making eye contact.

  “Well, you won’t believe what we got.” Diane sat down.

  Samantha leaned back and folded her arms. “Let me guess. Body parts probably, fingers or a hand or both.”

  “Well yes, but, the fingers…” Diane smiled.

  “Can’t be identified. He did something that removed the fingerprints.” Samantha stood up and walked to the evidence board.

  “Okay, easy guess. But we also have a letter. I brought it with me. Bet you can’t guess what it says.” Diane loved this game.

  “Something to the effect of he wants his property back. And he blames the FBI. Same lame crap.” Samantha looked over at her sister.

  Diane threw up her hands. “If you knew all this, why did you have me waste the last hour looking at it?”

  Samantha couldn’t help but chuckle. “In case I’m wrong.”

  “Fine, but seriously, he calls you by name. He blames you for taking his property. Not just the FBI, you, by name. Look, how does he know your name? He also knows your title, Madam Deputy Director.” Diane pulled the letter from her jacket pocket. It was in an evidence bag.

  Samantha took the bag and laid it on the table. The letter had blood spots all around it. Fingers, but certainly no prints. He wore gloves.

  Samantha was expecting the normal banter. But this letter was differen
t. It had almost perfect grammar and punctuation. It was directed to her by name. He knew her. But, how could that be? None of the units have been identified to anyone except the sheriff and his deputies. Could this man be a cop? The letter continued, saying he was going to make Samantha pay for taking his family.

  “Where is Alexis? She needs to see this.” Samantha stood and handed the letter back to Diane.

  “Yeah, but you understand he’s after you, right?” Diane took the letter from her.

  “Don’t worry, Diane. I have heard this crap before and a lot worse. By the way, check the inside of the box for fingerprints. Maybe we’ll get lucky. And check any you find against all law enforcement, including us. But keep it to yourself.” Samantha folded her arms.

  “You think he’s a cop?” Diane moved closer.

  “I just think he knows too much. Get Alexis on this fast.” Samantha walked out of the room.

  She walked down the hall with her head held down. There had to be a way to make this killer make a mistake, and it had to be with her. He wanted her. So she had to figure out how to let him have his way. Catching him would not be easy. She only hoped they could pull it off before he killed again.

  Chapter 38

  Morgan pulled into the parking lot of the motel. He walked to his room. There was no one around. The streets were finally quiet. He went inside his room and began to undress. He needed a shower and a change of clothes. He undressed as he walked into the bathroom. He took a deep breath and stepped into the shower. The hot water felt good against his tense muscles. Blood from his hands and arms ran down the drain. As he washed them, he watched every drop of blood hit the tub and swirl around the drain. It made him feel strong and in control. He liked control and order. There was no room for the weak. He let the water run over his face and chest. It had been a long week. No one seem to be any closer to figuring out the Handyman Killer. They would never figure him out, unless he wanted them to. This had been his life for over fifteen years. It wasn’t going to be easy for them to figure out his pattern.