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Page 12

  “What if he comes for me?” Sarah shivered, and it wracked her entire body.

  “Hey, hey, you are safe now, Sarah. We have 24 hour guards on your door so no one can get to you without our permission. Would you feel a little better if I held your hand?”

  Sarah nodded.

  CJ took hold of her hand. “The man who did this to you is still in the area, we’re sure of it. But we’ve got to try to catch him as soon as we can, before he tries to get away. And you’re the only one who’s seen him. Can you tell me anything about what happened?”

  “I woke up in the back of a car. My head hurt. I was tied and had a rag in my mouth. We drove forever. He threw me on a bed and tied my arms and legs. He cut my clothes. He, he raped me.” Sarah began to shake. Her eyes glazed and rolled back. In a matter of a few seconds, her shaking became convulsions. One of the IVs was pulled out, setting off the monitors.

  “I need help in here!”

  Three nurses entered and approached Sarah, attempting to keep her safe during the seizure. CJ moved out of the way and stood at the door.

  A doctor entered. “I need 10mg Ativan stat.”

  One of nurse’s ran out of the room and returned less than a minute later. The other nurses pinned Sarah’s arm to the bed while she inserted the IV.

  CJ winced as Sarah’s arm continued to thrash with the rest of her body.

  “I got it,” the nurse said.

  Within seconds, Sarah became still. Her breath rose and fell at a normal rhythm.

  The doctor gave more orders to the nurses and left the room.

  CJ followed. “Is she going to be okay, Doc?”

  “There’s no way to know. She has so many injuries. She has infections that are not responding to antibiotics. She’s going to lose her left hand, what’s left of it. The head injury has caused swelling on her brain. Her ankle is broken. Then the cuts. She has lacerations so deep that they may have punctured liver. We need to do surgery to repair the damage to her intestines and liver, but she’s not strong enough. I honestly don’t expect her to live past dark. If by the grace of God, she does live, she will probably stroke and be a vegetable. But I haven’t given up on her. I’ve asked a neurologist to come from San Francisco. He is supposed to be the best. Maybe he can do something for that poor child that I can’t. Do we know who she is yet? There was nothing found with her, right?”

  “No sir, we have no idea who she is other than that her name is Sarah. And with her fingertips gone, we have to hope she can tell us.” CJ put his hand on the doctor’s shoulder.

  The doctor stared at the closed door to Sarah’s room. “Hopefully, we won’t have to use dental records.”

  CJ returned to the waiting room. It was flooded with officers, local, state and federal.

  CJ walked over to the officers guarding the door to ICU. “Do you guys need a break?”

  The first spoke up. “Yes, I could use some coffee.”

  “Sure. Why don’t you both go. I’ll stay here.” CJ stood guard, studying the faces of everyone in the room. They were all on edge. They knew the Handyman would try to get to Sarah. He had to. She could identify him.

  Chapter 29

  At 30,000 feet, there’s nothing to do but think. And feel. Samantha’s heart was racing almost as fast as her mind. There were so many things that had to be done. The team had been on this case for over 24 hours and they still had no leads and no idea who the killer was. But they had three bodies and one live victim. That last part was a lucky break. They had to capitalize on it. This girl was the key to finding the killer.

  This is why she had taken this job. Killer after killer. She didn’t want any other mother to have to face a murdering slime like she did.

  Her mind wandered back to the time she’d just spent with her family. She realized that they had all changed in the five years she’d been gone.

  She’d been so absorbed by her job since she left. She had put her family in the back of her mind. Now she had lost her only nephew and her brother would never be the same. She had run from Chicago after the death of her child. A quick divorce and she thought she was free from her past. A few phone calls a week to each sibling and her mother. That was all that was required. She did miss home but not bad enough.

  She could see the plane getting closer to their destination. It was almost time for her to go back to work and catch this man.

  The plane landed in Forrest Ranch a little before noon. Kirkland had cars waiting to take them to the hospital. Everyone was quiet. The ride seemed to take forever. Traffic was unbearable leaving the airport. They turned on the sirens.

  Samantha began to fidget even more than on the plane. She was trying to organize her thoughts and put everything in sequence the way she wanted it done and who to do it. She felt a tinge of uncertainty about taking over lead from Morgan, but he didn’t have the experience to handle a case of this magnitude. There was no way they could have known it would blow up like this – the media circus, a live witness. She shrugged it off. It happened. That’s why every agent has to check their ego at the door.

  She glanced around, remembering he was supposed to meet them at the plane. She couldn’t see him, but maybe he was there and she hadn’t noticed.

  The cars stopped in front of the small local hospital. Samantha wondered if the doctors were capable of handling this witness. The parking lot looked like all of the 1100 residents of Forrest Ranch were there. That had to change fast.

  “Kirkland, I need you to find the sheriff and any other official that is here. JJ, you and Stevens start getting rid of these people. I want this parking lot cleared in fifteen minutes. Only police and medical.” Samantha was talking as fast as possible as she got out of the car. Her team was moving even faster.

  She was proud of her people. They never questioned and they worked together exceptionally well.

  Less than five minutes later, Kirkland returned with Sheriff Taft and Mayor Gibbs. He also brought Sergeant Underwood from the state police. “This is everyone I can find, Ma’am.”

  “Great. Gentlemen, forgive me but we do not have time for formalities right now. I have instructed my people to clear this parking lot and hospital of all non-essential personnel. I want this done immediately. We have no idea who we are dealing with now and we need to limit access to our witness. I need teams to patrol a fifty-mile radius from the place where the vic was found. Also, I want regular patrols in town and here at this hospital. I will have one of my people with these patrols. Make no mistake, this is an FBI case but we will work together. Mutual respect and trust are essential. You will have ours, and I expect yours. Our goal is to find, capture and control this threat. Now, I need a place to gather info. Any suggestions?”

  All three officials looked stunned.

  “Uhhh, well…” The sheriff rubbed his chin.

  Sam leaned forward, amazed at his ability to move so slowly in a time of crisis. Patience, Sam, she thought.

  The sheriff pointed up the road. “We have set up a conference room at the sheriff’s office. Your people have already moved in there. The office is only two miles from here.”

  “Great, now everyone please help clear this area. If they are not carrying a badge or go by the title ‘Doctor’, I want them gone. And I want everyone checked for ID, down to hospital cafeteria staff. If anyone has a criminal record, send them home. They’re not coming to work today.” Sam turned to her team. “Kirkland, get everyone assembled and meet me inside.”

  Samantha walked inside the front of the hospital. It was just as busy as outside and even worse. “Sergeant, I need two of your best stationed here and everyone else out. Start clearing this hospital.”

  Sergeant Underwood moved through the crowd and motioned for his people to gather close.

  Sam nodded to the sergeant. “Remember, patrols are to begin regular shifts.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  It pleased Sam that the sergeant appeared competent and ready for this crisis. Maybe more so than the sheriff, sh
e thought.

  As the room cleared of non-essential personnel, the hospital started looking like a hospital and not a disaster area. Kirkland had gathered all of the FBI team members at the nurses’ station outside ICU.

  Sam approached the station. “Lisa, Hannah, Max, I need you three to go to the ME’s office. I want the time of death for each body nailed down. I need injury patterns, cause of death verified, pictures, the whole nine yards. Diane, Alexis and Ford, the dump site. I need pictures, samples, geological everything. Tristan, you are with me. We need to interview the victim. Kirkland, I need you to get Morgan and the sheriff up to speed. Take JJ with you. She knows how we need all of the information. Are there any questions? Keep in contact. I want to know everything about this case and our suspect ASAP.”

  Samantha turned to the Sheriff. “Which way to ICU, Sheriff?”

  “I’ll get you there.” Sheriff Taft led the way to the ICU.

  Sergeant Underwood was beginning to clear the room. Those who were left parted to let Samantha through.

  The two armed guards stood as they got closer. Tristan was standing just behind Samantha. She had dozens of questions she needed to ask, but she wondered if the witness would be able to answer any of them. Every detail was important, no matter how small.

  A doctor stood at the door of the room, checking a chart.

  “Doctor, how is the witness?” Samantha wasted no time. “We need to interview her as soon as possible.”

  “Well, to be quite honest I don’t know how this young lady is alive. She has lost a lot of blood. There are fingers missing. She has an infection. There’s so much potential for blood clots. She could stroke at any moment. Or she could hemorrhage from the internal bleeding. I just don’t know.” The doctor rubbed his head. “I just don’t know.”

  “I understand. If I may, I would like to see her for myself and have one of our doctors examine her. Maybe together we can save her.” Samantha turned to Tristan. “Find Stevens.” Samantha walked away from her sister and entered the ICU.

  CJ was standing outside the room. “CJ, did you place the tape recorder?”

  “Hey, Samantha. Yes, I put it where you said. Sam, there is something about this case. Something familiar. I can’t put my finger on it, but I swear.” CJ shook his head. “Maybe I’m just tired.”

  Samantha spoke as quietly as possible. “It’s a tough one, CJ. We gotta keep it together. I have a feeling there will only be one chance at this.”

  Tristan and Stevens walked into the unit.

  Sam nodded to them. “Tristan, you and I will go in first. Stevens, if possible I need you to examine and map out treatment. Hopefully, we can find a way to help her achieve a full recovery, but we know that’s a long shot. So let’s at least keep this girl alive as long as possible. CJ, where are we on ID?”

  “All I got was that her name is Sarah.”

  “Sarah.” Samantha walked into the room. Sam gasped. She would never get used to seeing the harm that could happen to the human body. Sarah’s body was twitching and she was mumbling. Her head thrashed back and forth. Her hands were wrapped in gauze. Her right ear was covered. There were bandages covering most of her face. What was visible was bruised. She had tubes and wires running from several machines to various parts of her body.

  Samantha walked over and sat down on the side of her bed. As soon as she got closer, she recognized the girl laying there. Her stomach lurched. She swallowed hard to keep from vomiting.

  It was Sarah, the waitress from the diner two blocks from her home in Quantico.

  So many things didn’t make sense. How could she have gotten all the way to California? She had never mentioned that she was traveling, and she wasn’t one for keeping secrets. Her life, current boyfriends, trips to the spa. No one entered the diner without knowing Sarah’s business.

  “Sarah, Sarah are you wake? Can you hear me?” Samantha leaned close and put her hand over Sarah’s. She was so beaten up and bruised. Samantha couldn’t imagine what she had endured. Sarah had always seemed like such a flake, but she was a lot stronger than Sam had thought. And she was just a kid. Only 22 years old. She was a typical kid. False ideas of what the world was really like.

  Samantha was sorry she had to find out this way. She only hoped Sarah lived to regret it.

  Sarah awoke as Samantha touched her arm. Sarah screamed.

  Tristan entered the room. Her face set in an expressionless mask when she saw Sarah.

  Samantha motioned for her to go to the other side of the bed. There she could get a closer look and hear everything that Sarah said, if anything.

  Samantha began to stroke Sarah’s hair and talk very slow and quiet. “It’s okay, Sarah. You’re safe. It’s Samantha from the diner. Remember me?”

  Sarah stopped screaming. She was still breathing hard.

  “Look at me, Sarah. I need you to help me find the man who did this to you. I’m sorry I have to push you like this, but I have to ask you to try and tell me what happened to you. Can you describe the man or men that took you and did this to you? Anything, Sarah, anything. I promise I will make him pay for this.”

  “My mom, can you get my mom and dad? I want my mama.” Sarah’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Okay, Sarah, sure. Tell me how to get in touch with them, and I will fly them here.” Samantha pulled out a pad and pen from her jacket pocket.

  “They live in Nevada. Boll, John and Nancy Boll. Please, I want my mom.” She started to cry.

  “Sarah, I will send for them right now. Give me their number, and we will get them.”


  Samantha wrote the number down and gave it to Tristan.

  Tristan jumped up and left the room.

  “Sarah, they will be here soon. Please, try to talk to me. I need to know what happened to you.” Samantha reached forward and fumbled under the sheet for the tape recorder CJ had placed. She couldn’t find it. She’d have to worry about it later. “Do you remember where you were when you were taken? Anything, Sarah, just talk.”

  Sarah looked around the room. “Where am I? How did I get here?”

  “You are in hospital in Forrest Ranch, California. You were found by a police officer in the woods last night. Do you remember how you got there and how long you ran?”

  Samantha was frustrated with Sarah’s questions. They were typical but Sam knew that time was precious. Sarah could stroke at any moment. She needed to hurry but she knew she could not press Sarah too hard. “Try to focus, sweetie. Tell me whatever comes to mind.”

  Sarah turned her head away. “I was walking home. This man pulled up and called me by name. He said Bobby sent him. I got in the car. He gave me a beer. I don’t know what happened. He hurt me, Samantha. He, he hurt me. I saw him before, at the -” Sarah’s eyes rolled back in her head. She started twisting her head. Then she froze.

  Samantha jumped up and checked her pulse. Samantha could not get a pulse or feel any breath coming from her. Samantha hit the emergency button and began CPR. Sarah was hemorrhaging. Blood gushed from Sarah’s body. There was so much blood, Sam couldn’t tell where it was coming from.

  Samantha knew she was going to die. “Please, Sarah, not now. Stay with me.”

  The room filled with emergency personnel. Samantha grabbed the tape recorder from Sarah’s gown as they took over the CPR and pushed Samantha aside. Blood was flowing faster from her mauled body. Sarah was limp. They tried to shock her. It burnt her skin but had no other response. They worked faster and harder. But Sarah was gone.

  The doctor looked up at Samantha. He had tears in his eyes. “This poor girl never had a chance. Time of death 3:28 pm.”

  Samantha looked down at her hands and clothes. Sarah’s blood was all over her. Worse than that, Sam had nothing to find out who this man was. No way of making him pay for this child’s life. The parents would be here soon. She had to get Hannah back here fast to clean up Sarah as much as possible. Maybe she could at least spare them some pain.

istan ran back into the room. “I sent Agent Ford by plane to get her…” She stopped. Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I’ll never get used to this.”

  Sam nodded. “If you did, you’d be just like the monster who did this.” She walked from the room.

  Tristan turned and followed.

  Sam glanced back at her sister. “Get Hannah back here. I don’t want her parents to see her like this. Then tell her and Lisa to catalog every injury from head to toe. I want exact cause of death.” Turning to CJ, Sam whispered, “Did you remove the recorder?”

  CJ furrowed his brow. “No, of course not. You mean it’s not there?”

  Sam sighed. “Nope.”

  She caught CJ’s eye. She saw the look of recognition in his eyes. They both knew what that meant. Someone had removed it. And the only one who could’ve done it was The Handyman.

  “He couldn’t leave her alive,” Sam muttered to CJ.

  She turned to leave. The hall was still filled with personnel. She shook her head. Were they all really necessary?

  She spotted her team gathered on one side of the hall and approached them. “Team 2, we are needed at the sheriff’s office. Stevens, call ahead and ask Kirkland to have my go bag ready. Sheriff Taft, keep this hospital locked down. Do something to get your men better positioned. They shouldn’t all be gathered in the hall like this. We still have a killer to catch. Efficiency and strategy are essential.” Samantha walked outside. She took a deep breath and headed for the car. She could feel more of Sarah’s blood dripping from her clothes onto her arms and down her torso.

  Tristan walked over and handed her another towel. “Stevens is getting Hannah.” She leaned up against the car. “So what do we do now, Sam?”

  Samantha rubbed her hands thru the towel over and over. It was red with blood. Samantha walked to the back of the car and pulled out a large evidence bag. She put the towel inside and labeled it ‘Sarah Boll.’ “We catch the monster that did this to her and the others. And if we’re lucky, he wants to go down hard and we get to take our time with him.”